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Do not be intimidated by those around you, but set your sights on the prize! This is a day like no other. I am moving in such a way that no flesh will glory!

I am upsetting the apple carts of many and putting things into right perspective. I am taking treasure out of the hands of one and funneling it into the hands of another. Who is there that is able to confound the Lord and disrupt His plans and purposes? Who is man that he thinks he can override the counsel of the Lord and go on his merry way? I have all things in My hands, all angles covered. No one is able to out-perform the Lord!

I have visited My Own and given them expertise in areas of influence, imparting to them life and liberty in My spirit. I know who they are and who are imposters. I know the heart of every man, so who is able to fool Me? Yes, I have a most wonderful plan for these end days. I have instructed My Own in the Secret Place and prepared them in the desert. They are well-equipped and ready to handle all that I move them into in this day. They have been purged and made ready by the King of Kings and when I open the door to their destiny, they shall waltz into it effortlessly, for I have removed striving from the hearts of those who are truly Mine and removed competition and strife. My Own are marked with sincerity of heart. This is the great work that I have done in their hearts to prepare them for what is ahead. They will walk out in full assurance that it is nothing of themselves that will accomplish the purposes set before them in this day, but the Spirit of the living God moving through them. And even they will stand amazed when they see the great feats accomplished through their hands, for nothing is able to hinder their movement on and into fulfilling their destiny.

Do not be anxious to see those things promised coming into view, for the timetable is set, events are scheduled, and the work of the Lord will be accomplished through willing vessels according to His plan and His glory. Oh what a day! Bask in His presence. Be filled to overflowing with the love of God. Rest in His arms and be marinated in His goodness, for soon the doors shall open and you will walk out into the promises unhindered!

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