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“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.”

“And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.”


I am the head and I am aligning My body under Me. Do not be fooled by what you see at work around you. If the entity (ministry) is not lined up under Me as its head, it will dry up, for I am indeed, severing the root system so that it cannot feed off of Me to keep itself going. I am detaching that which has been a parasite to Me and releasing blessing directly from Myself to those aligned up under Me and have let Me be the head.

Yes, watch as heads roll, for I am chopping them off. Ministries that draw attention to themselves will be disconnected from Me. The ministry of Christ is being released through vessels who have aligned themselves directly under Me. This is why you are seeing activity in the "church" drying up, because the church claims to be the head. Not so, I am the head, and those who would function in the fullness of My Spirit are positioned directly under Me. It is through these that I shall release the blessing, the attributes of the Father, ministry in every aspect.

You will see the parasitic heads severed from Me, ministries under their own banner cut off from My presence and become void of My Spirit. Any attempt they make to function will be in the flesh, producing flesh works, so position yourself under Me and do not come under another banner (name of ministry). And yes, the heart of the Father’s ministries are functioning through vessels directly aligned under My headship. You will hear of them all over the continent, for I have birthed them forth and they shall flourish. Yet, those who try to define parameters and box the ministry in under their own banner (ministry name) and who think they "own" the ministry, will find the box (organized ministry) blown apart. This is what I am doing in this day. I am coming with a tidal wave to break up the "ministry boxes" made by men to capture the ministry of My Spirit and to bank on it.

I am coming to set in place My government. I will reign and rule. I will be the head and every knee shall bow to My lordship, so watch and see what I do to take apart that which man has built. The winds are beginning to blow across the land and the buildings that have been erected by men shall fall. I have come to establish the will of the Father in the Earth and it shall be done. Those who are aligned and positioned properly under the Head, which is Christ, will experience an abundant flow of goods being released down to and through them. They are vessels through which I will channel goods to the poor, help to the helpless, hope to the hopeless. They will not say, "Look what I have done," for they may not even see the results of their obedience, yet they will know that resources from the Heavenly father’s storehouses are being channeled through them.

Give glory to Me and acknowledge Me as your lord and master. Make it clear to the people that the Father expects those who would be used of Him in this day to drop what they are doing and come into line with what He is doing. They need to give up their own agendas to align themselves under Christ.


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