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WAVES OF GLORY - March 8, 2022

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen!

Press in to Me and I will share My heart with you. I will give you insight into what is to come, what events are about to take place, and what you can expect of the future. My timing is perfect, and My timing of events is perfect. The stage is being set for end-time events, for those that usher in My kingdom rule.

Wars and rumors of war, these are to be expected, but they do not signify the end. Signs in the Heavens are next. Earthquakes and other natural signs are all part of what is yet to come. But even so, the message I convey to you is one that will prepare My people for the final events of history, for the way is being prepared for the return of the Lord in all His glory.

I am coming soon, sooner than you think. Those things you see taking place around you are the last ditch efforts of the enemy in his reign of terror, for soon his day will be over. Soon My glory shall be poured out upon My faithful ones and all the world will stand in awe as they shine forth, radiating My presence. I admonish you not to grow weary of well-doing, but to push forward in the power and authority of My spirit, taking ground with the words you speak and possessing it, being faithful in the call to follow Me. I am giving you greater influence, greater jurisdiction. I am spreading your tent pegs, expanding your borders. The influence shall reach far and wide. I am broadening your perspective and sharpening your weapons that you might take ground from the enemy and establish My principles in the Earth. I am moving My Bride forward. She is stepping down the isle and soon the wedding feast shall begin!

The labor has been prolonged, but now it is time for the child of promise to be birthed forth, for I shall truly birth forth My glory into the Earth. The birth pangs and travail have begun and soon the whole Earth will be covered with My glory as the waters cover the sea. I am releasing a wave of My glory and multitudes, I say multitudes shall be swept into My kingdom. Wave upon wave shall ascend until the whole Earth is full of the glory of the Lord. So break forth into singing, My Beloved, for your time of mourning is just about over! Your wailing in the streets shall be turned to dancing as your Bridegroom comes to meet you! My return will usher in My kingdom rule and bring all creation into submission at My feet. All authority in Heaven and Earth belong to Me and I shall implement it in the Earth.

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