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“For I hear many whispering. Terror is on every side! “Denounce him! Let us denounce him!” say all my close friends, watching for my fall. “Perhaps he will be deceived; then we can overcome him and take our revenge on him.” But the Lord is with me as a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble; they will not overcome me. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten.”

Jeremiah 20:10-11

"Godly behavior is the test of the heart’s condition. If a heart is hard, hardness will flow forth. If the heart is pliable, one may be taught the truths of God. Give Me your heart and let Me mold it and make it pliable. Let Me hone off the rough edges. I am willing to increase within you the capacity to carry My love to a hurting world. Whoever repents of their sin shall be forgiven. This is the message from the beginning.

Trust My lead. Be willing to go the extra mile, to venture out into deeper waters. Remember Jeremiah 20:10. This is the scenario. I am about to change the order of things, to shift things, rearrange things, put things in proper perspective. Adjust to the changes. Be ready to see your enemies scattered.

I am building. It is a work of My hands and you will see the result. I have been molding you and making you into a vessel of honor and I have achieved My will and purpose through you. I have indeed offered revelation to the masses. Just as I warned, there would be those who would refute the message given. Pandora’s box - this is symbolic of what is indeed opening. I am opening up the can of worms that is at work. I am exposing sin in the hearts of the people. I am making a spectacle of what is really taking place. Those who watch and wait to see you trip and fall will be exposed. There are those who appear to be of help, who are really working behind the scenes to undermine the word of the Lord, to discredit it. But I am about to expose these. Jer. 20:11 will be the result. So hold on to all that I have promised you. I will guide and direct you on to victory. Undaunted will be those who put their trust in the Lord, those who surrender their agenda and allow the Lord to accomplish His will in their midst.

It’s “hands off” for I will accomplish My will and purposes. I have raised up an army of warriors who will take the city, who will march in, and with confidence in their King, take the land. This is a day of great darkness over the people and the battle rages, but the enemy shall be defeated and routed out of the land. Watch to see Me turn the tide on the forces of evil that have aligned themselves against My elect. I am a mighty warrior, dressed in armor of light. I will defeat every foe, conquer every kingdom built by the enemy, and usher My warriors into the city.

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