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UPROOTING - February 5, 2024

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands.”


“For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”

“In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”


“Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Matthew 16:17-19


I am pulling down a structure in this day that has exalted positions in the Body of Christ and has elevated those in these positions to great heights. I am pulling out the framework and the structure will come down. In its place I am raising up a structure built by My own hands. It gives no room for one to lord it over the next. Those who would lord it over others will be removed. They will not be a part of what I am building in this day. They will only look on and watch what I am doing. They will disqualify themselves, for I will tolerate the works of men no longer. Only that which is birthed of the Spirit will remain.


Great shall be the fall of those who exalt themselves in the midst of the congregation. Great shall be the trial of those who continue to raise up a cry of sympathy for the old structure. Great shall be the judgement that will come upon those who function in the fear of man. They shall be removed. They shall be uprooted and plucked out. I am bringing in the poor, the lost, the wandering sheep without a shepherd and I will be their shepherd. They need not look to men to shepherd them, but they will look to Me, their faithful shepherd. I will feed them, nourish them, bless them, care for them, and instruct them. No one will be able to take credit for what I am doing. No man will receive the glory. I alone will be glorified.


Watch and see what I do in your midst. You will be in awe as you see the works of the Lord flowing forth through His sanctified vessels. There will be no opportunity to exalt the works of men, for every work of the flesh will be burned up. Every attempt to gain a position and a name will come to naught.

very form of idolatry will be removed from the midst of the people and a fragrant offering will rise up to the Lord. You will see how I pour Myself out through you in ministry. You will see the lame walk, the deaf hear, and the blind see. You will see those who have walked in darkness come into the light. You will see that you have been called and ordained of the Father into ministry and that it is not a man-made position of authority, but that it is an authority given to you by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to go into the world and make disciples. I have ordained you. Do not look to men to ordain you. Look to the Heavenly Father and He will equip you with every good gift to do the work of the ministry.


Refute every lie that is thrown at you. Cast away every rebuke given of men. Do not listen to their lies and deceptions. They have set a trap, a snare, and they are waiting for you to walk into it. Their motives are for gain. They are not concerned for the lost, for the strays. They are concerned for themselves, how they might prosper and make a name for themselves. I have stood by and watched them perform their religious acts. I have observed their lack of compassion, their hardness of heart, and I have waited and called them to turn from their wicked ways. I have extended My hands of healing to them and have offered them a way out of their transgressions. I have exercised mercy and compassion to a people who were quick to disregard what was offered them. Patiently I waited for them to turn their eyes off themselves and up to Me. I have called and called to them. I continually knocked at the door of their hearts. I did not forsake them or leave them for even a moment. I strove with them, yearning for them to repent of their pride. Every opportunity had been given to these to see the light and to walk in it, yet they refused to go in the way that was shown to them. They chose over and over again to submit themselves to rules and regulations handed down to them by those whose teachings they sat under. They honored these who sat over them. They idolized their gifts of knowledge, their callings over and above the Giver of the gifts. Their eyes were upon each other and what each other could do, but they did not seek Me. They did not repent of their wicked ways and the judgement of God has come upon them. They are being removed from ministry and their ministries are being given over to others.


You will see the uprooting take place. Those who functioned in high position, those who exalted the efforts of men, will be removed from ministry and will no longer receive the glory they so earnestly desired. They have been a reproach to My word and have done much damage to the witness of the gospel, and in this day, I am cleaning up My bride. I am washing her and redressing her. I am taking off her blood-stained robes and replacing them with robes of righteousness. She shall walk with Me on streets of gold in the city I have prepared for her.



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