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UPHEAVAL OF TRADITION - February 21, 2024

“Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere him.”

“The nations will fear the name of the Lord, all the kings of the earth will revere your glory.”

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”


“For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”


Great rains are falling upon the land, rains of righteousness, a stream flowing through the land. All the earth shall worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. All the earth shall bow down before Him. I am bringing the nations into a living relationship with the Lord God. Get ready, for a great upheaval of tradition will break down the structure built by the hands of men and transfer the keys to the kingdom into the hands of those who will flow with the River of Life. Great is My faithfulness to those who are called according to My purposes!

In this day, I am tearing down the walls, the props, the dependency upon a hierarchy of men-pleasers. Everyone will be brought into account for their own actions. Each man will answer to God. I am roaring throughout the land to stamp out injustice, to dismantle the hierarchy of control over the people. Every man-made rule and every yoke of oppression will be broken off and the people shall be released from the ungodly structure that exalts the works of men in the assembly.

I am removing those who lord it over others, those who seek to be known by men. The walls are coming down and everything behind the walls is being exposed. The covering is being removed off those who hide behind self-righteousness and positions of authority.  Their authority is being taken away and given to others.

I will no longer tolerate the abuse of My Elect, those called by My name for such a time as this. I am moving throughout the earth with great wisdom and authority to take down a framework that does not incorporate the Elect, but bars them out of the work of the ministry. I will strengthen those who have been bowed down under a load of abuse. I will strengthen them to throw off the load and run with the calling upon their lives to reach the nations with the message of salvation, sight to the blind, freedom to the captives.

Watch Me! Watch to see what I do to those who lord it over the Elect. Watch and see how quickly I dethrone them. They shall be made helpless. I will trample them underfoot. I will stamp out injustice and those who are mine will shine like stars in the kingdom of God. No longer will those who hear the voice of the Lord be mocked and jeered, but the word of the Lord shall go forth with great power and precision to diffuse and dismantle. 

I am removing the lampstand from the midst of those who continually disobey My voice. Their ears are closed and their hearts are hard and I will not tolerate their acts of injustice toward those whom I have ordained to carry the flame. You will see them fall before you, for they are not able to go on. Their mockery is blasphemous. They do not heed the voice of the Lord, but choose to justify their acts of disobedience. The axe is being laid to the root. The tree is coming down. Its fruit is corrupt and the whole tree will come down.

There is no excuse for those who continually persecute My Elect. There is nowhere for them to hide from the wrath of God. Their works will be revealed before all men and the judgement upon them shall be just. I have given them time to repent, but they would not listen. Their hearts were hardened by the words of the prophet. Though the words were sent to bring them out of error, they would not receive correction. The error of their way will be exposed to all men. Their evil deeds will be made known and they shall receive their reward. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down.

This is the day. I am sweeping through the land and felling every tree that has not produced fruit for the kingdom of God. The saws are buzzing throughout the land. The arborist is doing a great work. He is removing the dead wood, the blemished works of men. He is binding up the bundles and throwing them into the fire of His fury. Relinquish the ground you have claimed through the power of the flesh! Relinquish your hold upon the lives of those who do not adhere to your dominion! Your hold is being loosened off the people and they shall go free. Your ground is being taken and given to those who have been authorized of Me.

I will reign and rule throughout the earth with great authority and wisdom to bring the nations into submission at My feet. Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as the eagle. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint, for I shall be their strength and I shall give them wings to fly above adversity. Their leaf shall not wither and their fruit shall not fall off the vine. I am releasing My runners to go forth into the harvest fields. They shall gather in the fruit of the harvest and there shall be an abundance brought into the barns, into the household of the King.

Rejoice in the Lord your God. Rejoice in His coming, for He is coming in glory to crown His Elect with the glory of the Son. Jesus shall reign and rule upon the earth. His kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting and its rule and dominion shall be from sea to sea. What is being built in this day by the hands of men is being brought into judgement and the building of the Lord is being established upon the earth. This is the day of fulfillment of the word of the Lord that all the nations shall revere His name!


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