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“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.”

James 1:17

“Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”

Daniel 11:32

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”

Run with the work I have given you. Build up your reserve and you will see fruit in due time. I am embracing you. I am holding you in My arms. My love is being poured out to you. I am lavishing upon you every good gift. You will see what I do in and for you. Those who oppose you will be pushed back out of the way by the power of My Spirit. They will not be able to hinder you as you go forth in My power and anointing in this day for I am raising up a battalion to perform great feats for the Lord God and those who try to hinder what I am doing, who try to trip you up, will be removed.

I am establishing My chosen ones in the giftings and in the call to worship. No one is able to box you in or trample you underfoot. You will emerge victorious. My hand of blessing is upon you and you will prosper and be great in the land, for I am establishing My own in every good gifting and ability and you shall excel in these and run the race set before you with great endurance. You shall triumph over the enemy in his efforts to block your way as I propel you forward by My Spirit. I am opening doors for you that no man is able to close. No power in heaven or on earth is able to stop My army of soldiers from barreling ahead with full force and you shall press forward to the goal to achieve the prize that waits for you.

Press on in the high calling that is upon your life. Recognize that I am the one sending you forth. It is not the power of man that will send you on to obtain the prize, but it is the power of God. Look to Me. I will strengthen and equip you and send you forth. You will minister in great capacity. I am giving you everything you need. You will see Me supply your every need. Nothing will be lacking. I am shaping you up. You will see yourself being changed. I am baptizing you with great vigor and bringing you into line with My word. You shall be healed and made new and will be able to run and not grow weary. I am removing everything out of the path that would hinder you and imparting into you abundant life, newness of life, the joy of the Lord, and great agility. You are My chosen vessels and I am making and molding the vessel to conform to My perfect will.

In this day the tide is turning. Focus is turning toward the Lord. All preconceived ways and means of functioning are being confused. No one will be able to depend on their own merit to function in positions of authority within the Body of Christ. No one will be able to depend on learned formulas and agendas, for in this day, I will upheave the old structure from the ground up and it will be toppled over. Great and marvelous are My ways. They are not contained by man, but are independent of his ways, for the ways of man bring glory to himself, but the ways of God bring glory to the Lord.

You will see within your midst the turning over of leadership. Those who will not allow My Spirit to move forth will be dug up and out and removed. Only those who allow My Spirit to do its work will remain in the position of authority they have been put in. I will not tolerate the trampling of My elect. I will not tolerate the abuse of those who are being raised up in kingdom authority in this day. No longer will they be held back by those who would pull the ropes in on them. I am making a way in the assembly for those who are being raised up to take ground for the king. I am making a way for those with the call and anointing for leadership to be raised up into position. I am taking over, and even though those who rule with an iron fist are unrelenting, I will take the land by force. I will remove the hard-hearted and replace these with those who have been prepared for the work of the ministry. I am putting them in place. They will step into the position ready for them.

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