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TRIUMPH IN THE LAND - March 14, 2024

“But I have told you that you will inherit their land, since I will give it to you as an inheritance--a land flowing with milk and honey. I am the LORD your God, who has set you apart from the peoples.”

Leviticus 20:24 


—-The Promised Land referred to a specific geographic area 


——The “promised land” referred to as the “land flowing with milk and honey” is a metaphor for God’s faithfulness, provision, and the fulfillment of promises regarding a place where His people could thrive and experience His goodness. 


—-Promised Land compared to Kingdom of God


——The Kingdom of God is not physical territory or its political rule, but instead acknowledges the rule and reign of Christ, recognizing God’s authority as true authority and subjection to obeying His will.


“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

Romans 14:17


Jesus taught His followers to pray: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10



Journey in, enter in, for you have braved the storm. I am sending you into the land to take it and to rule and reign over it. I am giving it to you. Rescue the perishing, bring sight to the blind. Make every effort to bring the council of the Lord into every situation. Don’t hesitate to declare the lordship of Christ. Announce the Kingdom of God coming to earth and being established in the midst of the people. Proclaim the will of God. Publicly proclaim the coming of the King to His kingdom. Acknowledge the wonders of God. Tell the council of God. Subdue the nations with the word of the Lord.

Speak the word with boldness. Confess the Lord with your lips. Heighten awareness of the Lord’s presence. Openly declare His faithfulness to those who would seek Him. Publicize the oracles of God. Entreat the people to lay down their arms and to take up the cross of Christ. Petition them to walk in the way of holiness.

I am arising in your midst to accomplish My will and My purposes. I am making known My mysteries to those who have ears to hear the Father's voice. Hearken unto the Lord. Hear His word of truth. Make room for His council, for His ways lead to life. Open the door and walk over the threshold into the everlasting joy of the Lord. Embark on the journey into the promised land filled with milk and honey, all the good things of God. Rejoice in the bounty, for He has smitten every foe and walked you into everlasting peace and joy. Proclaim the Kingdom of God in the earth. Proclaim it in the streets. Tell the people that the Lord has come into His temple to dwell among men. Tell them that His kingdom is everlasting, that it will not fade away.

From out of nowhere will come great gain and great opportunity. From out of nowhere will come the emergence of the City of God, fully fashioned by the master architect and builder. From out of nowhere will come blessings untold. I have resisted the evil one and overcome every obstacle. Notice that there is no opposition to My plan to reach the nations with My word. I am reaching out My hand to the erring and bringing back the backslider into a position of honor at the throne room of God.

I have selected those who have given their lives up to be My disciples and who will go into the harvest fields to bring in a harvest of souls. I have selected those who chose to obey Me even in times of great opposition. I have triumphed in the land and given possession of the land to these, My faithful and willing servants. Willingness to go into the world, to reach the outcast, and to publicize the day of the Lord has won them the opportunity to serve the King of Kings and to partake of the spoil gained through battle. Allotted to each is the territory over which they shall reign and rule with their King.

Separate yourself from unbelief. Have no part with it, for what I am about to do will not fit into any scenario concocted by men. It will not be able to be explained by natural phenomenon. It will not fit into any premeditated scheme, but will burst forth with a newness and freshness unknown to man. I am about to cause the blind to see and the lame to walk and the crippled to be healed by the power of My Spirit. You will see it in your midst, a fresh revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ that will bring in the newness and the past shall be no more. The change will be so dramatic, no one will have an explanation for it!

Change shall move in in seconds. Eye witnesses will testify to the workings of the Spirit among men till all tribes and tongues hear the good news of salvation. I have come to demonstrate My power in the earth, to perform miraculous signs amongst the people. I have given the ministry of miracles to My chosen ones, the gifts of healing, and the power to raise the dead. I have given you authority over every unclean spirit. I will testify through you of the power of the risen Christ and no one will deny the power that comes from above.

I am your witness. I have given you the key to spiritual things. I have given you access to the Father’s throne room, to His power, and you shall triumph through the land, bringing healing and salvation to the multitudes. I have chosen vessels of honor. I have gifted and instructed you in such a way that the power of God rests upon you. You will see signs and wonders as you preach the word, heal the sick, and raise to life those who have fallen asleep.

Great and awesome are My ways, says the Lord, high above the ways of men. Grasp them, abide by them, and you shall go forth to storm the gates of hell. Declare victory. Voice triumph in the land. Take the land with force.

You will begin to understand the spectrum of events and see how they are linked and co-ordinated together. I am clearing the air, removing dust, clutter, and confusion from the lives of the people and a single-hearted expression of love and fervor for the Lord remains. I have pulled out the stops, the blockages, and the fragrance of the Lord is permeating the air. Unite with those I bring to you. Link hands in the effort to reach the nations. Triumph in the land. Bridge gaps and bring down barriers. I have erected a banner over the people and they shall come to worship the Lord.


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