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“Let them sing before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples with equity.”


I shall bring salvation to your shores. I shall leave a remnant among you who will prophesy. My word is a double-edged sword cutting through error, dividing between truth and a lie. I will position My apostles and prophets to declare My righteous judgement in the earth. Even now I am heralding My truth. Position yourself to receive the whole counsel of God, to embrace the truth being revealed in this day.

These are the days of Elijah, for the Spirit of the prophet shall arise in your midst and call the people into repentance for the sins of their nation. The truth shall be revealed. All false securities shall be addressed. Hindrances to My word shall be destroyed, for I am indeed, coming in My wrath to bring justice and equity to the nations. I will divide the truth from falsehood and bring into account those who have stored up treasures on this earth and have neglected the poor. This is a day when accounts shall be attended to. The vaults of the wicked shall be opened and their treasures released upon the needy. I shall take out of the hands of the unfaithful and transfer goods to those without. How shall I do this you ask? I am about to disrupt the affairs of men, to intervene in daily affairs. You will see how I take that which has been offered to idols, sanctify it, and use if for the furtherance of My kingdom.

You shall see how I bring My counsel to the nations, how I address issues that challenge My authority. "One God over all" will be the cry of the people, for they shall come to understand that I am a just judge, that I show no partiality. I will declare My righteous standard in all the nations of the earth and all will be weighed according to this standard. I do not alter the weights so that they are unjust. Nations shall be weighed according to the standard of the Lord.

What nation will stand in the day of My judgement? Are not all the nations of the world found lacking? Justice will prevail in the earth. Weights will not be adjusted according to the understanding of men. So rend your heart and not your garments. Do not think that you are able to justify sin in My midst. All sin shall be judged. I am bringing into accountability all those who hold office, for these are the ones who bear the weight of responsibility for the nations. An unjust king shall be removed from power and a righteous ruler shall take his place. Leaders shall be brought into account for the works of their hands.

Power and honor belong to the Lord of Hosts. I am establishing My kingdom in the earth. I shall remove the ungodly kings and establish My governors in their place. I shall execute justice to the ends of the earth. I shall rebuild the ancient ruins. All inhabitants of the earth shall recognize My government. There will be no mistake, for I will establish My kingdom from sea to sea. This is the day of the trampling of the nations, of eviction of sin and idolatry from the land. I have come with a sword to loose the bands of wickedness and to cut off the hold of the evil one. I shall bring the nations into repentance at the foot of the cross. I shall establish My throne in the midst of the people and all the inhabitants of the earth shall come and bow down and worship at My footstool.

This is the day of the establishment of My rulership in the earth. I am bringing in a great harvest of souls through tribulation. This is My desire, to turn the hearts of the people back to Me. This is the day when the nations shall be brought into humility. Pomp and arrogance shall be no more. I am redistributing wealth, opening the vaults and taking back what is mine. No longer shall the people put their trust in the work of their hands and the arm of the flesh. I have intervened to stop the free flow of goods to the ungodly. I will transform a nation, bring it into accountability, and justice shall roll on like a river. You will see the shaking of the nations till every man, woman and child has come to the foot of the cross.


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