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TRANSFORMATION - October 17, 2022

'You are members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.'

Ephesians 2:19-22

“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

“But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”

“So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.”

“That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one.”

Be all of you like-minded. Do nothing out of selfish ambition, but in all your ways acknowledge Me. I will make your paths straight. I will lead you in the way everlasting. Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing power of My Spirit and you will see the things of this life fall away, for the world is loosing its grip on those who seek to do the Father’s will. Wait on the Lord and He shall renew your strength. He will cause you to walk and not faint. He will uphold you with His strong right arm.

The earth is shifting and giving up its dead. Those who have walked in darkness are coming to the light and the joy of the Lord is being poured out upon them. Who can comprehend the ways of the Lord? Who can fathom the depth of His love? Do not be dismayed, hope in God, for He is your salvation and your life and in Him you will find life. In My Father’s house are many rooms and a great welcome awaits those coming home. They will enter the Father’s house with great rejoicing, with shouts of joy, for great and marvelous is the Lord God and great and marvelous are His ways!

Cast your bread upon the waters and it will come back to you. Go with the flow of My Spirit in this day, says the Lord. Follow My lead and I will take you into the places ordained for you. You are My Beloved, My Bride, My heart’s desire and I long to be with you, to wrap My arms around you, to welcome you into My presence, to live with you forevermore. I am preparing the marriage feast. I am calling in from the north and south and east and west all those who are mine, all those who love Me with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. I am calling in My Bride. Soon the doors will be open and My Bride shall ascend into heavenly places prepared for her. She is without spot or blemish and her garments are dipped in My blood and adorned with precious jewels, for she has been bought with a great price, she has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God.

All eyes will be on the Lord. All will marvel at His greatness. The tempest is turning and a full revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ is to be released into the earth. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, you shall dream dreams and see visions, for I am releasing them in this day. Like a blanket lowered from above, a panoramic view of the Lord's glory shall be lowered from above and a clear revelation will be seen. I am opening the heavens and releasing signs and wonders. The earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord and every eye shall see and be in awe at such a marvelous sight as that which is opened unto them.

Fall on the rock and be broken. Worship at the Lord's footstool. Praise Him with all your strength. Bow down and hail Him as king. Pick up the rod of authority given to you. Pick it up and go forward. You will know what is expected of you, for I shall direct you. You will produce fruit and great and abundant will be the harvest. The offering you bring will be acceptable, the first fruits of your labor.

I am picking the fruit off the branches, and there is abundant fruit in your life. You do not see as I see. If you did, you would see the abundance. Your children shall be blessed and they shall be great in the land. I am honing them into precious stones, polishing the rough edges, sanding away at the rebellion, and bringing them captive to My will. You will see that your children shall inherit the land, that they shall cross over from death to life, out of Egypt into the promised land. I am doing it and great shall be the reward of the righteous. Great shall be their increase as they labor in the Lord. I am reaping what has been sown into the lives of your children. I am taking in the crop that has been produced and weeding out the tares.

I will lead you and direct your path. I am giving you what you need, placing within you everything you need to do the work I have called you to. I am releasing into you a great measure of creativity, a great measure of clarity in detail, and you will be able to reproduce what you see and send it forth to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God. You will lack nothing, so keep focused on the task at hand and do not lose interest. I am building within you the capabilities needed. There is an abundance from the storehouses of the Lord that is being released unto you. I am giving you the time and opportunity to do the work I have given you. You will work within this framework and everything will be done according to schedule, for I am establishing you in the call upon your life. I am looking after the details and orchestrating this work, so do not think that you must make the effort, for I will open the right doors at the right time. Just be faithful to use the time given you wisely.

Songs of joy will well up within you. Songs of the harvest are about to break forth. You will go forth in the anointing of the Lord in song and melody. I am taking you out into those places of darkness to bring the light of the Lord to the lost. I will send you with the song of the Lord on your lips. Go and do not fear, for I will go before you and open the doors and cause you to flourish.

Seek Me with all your heart and I will reveal Myself to you. I will reveal to you the depths of My will. I will show you more. I will take you deeper into the ways of the Lord. I will show you things hidden, hidden manna, the bread of life. You will eat from this bread and live. You will partake of your portion in the land of the living and will have an abundance left over to break off and give out to others.

I am taking you in a new direction. The Word which is in you is being manifested through you. It will become life and that life will go forth to minister to others. It will be sent out and bear fruit. I am setting the stage, laying the footings, laying the groundwork. I am doing a deeper work than you can see. I am digging down deep into the ground and building upon solid rock. What I am building will not be destroyed, but will last forever. The tower that is built upon this foundation will reach high into the Heavenlies and needs a sure foundation. It will be established firmly in the Lord.

Transformation. This is what I am doing in this day. I am transforming you into the image of the Son. Everything that the Son has shall be yours, for you will be legitimate children of the Father and shall partake of all that the Father has for you. Reach out and take it. Stretch out your hand to receive what is rightfully yours through the Son. Take it and go do the works of the Father. Just as Jesus obeyed His Father in everything, you go and do likewise. He did nothing except what the Father showed Him to do. I am asking the same of you, that you hear the heart of the Father and that you do only what the Father is doing, nothing more, nothing less. This is the will of God in Christ Jesus, that you become one with the Father and Son, that you abide in the Lord and do nothing apart from Him. He is your source.

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