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“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.”

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”

“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”


Declare My Word to the heavens. Proclaim liberty to the captives. Raise up the name of Jesus. Lift up the banner of His love and wave it high, for I am taking you into the land. I am opening the door. Walk through it and do not look back. I am doing a new thing in your midst. I am uprooting the past, puling up the roots of bitterness and the strongholds of resentment. I am smashing every wall of indifference to the ground and putting the enemy under your feet. Press forward. You shall possess the land and gain back what has been stolen. You shall not falter, but you shall go forth in the power and might of the Lord.

Take your stand. Stand firm in what I have promised to you, that My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations. Stand firm in the word that has been spoken to you. Do not waver and you shall see My word come to pass in your midst. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End and I will do all I have said I will do.

These are times of refreshing for those who put their trust in Me, for those who abandon the securities of this world and look forward to a better day. The river of My Spirit is flowing and great blessing is in the waters for those who would come and drink. The waters are rising and the banks are being flooded by the increase. The waters are over-flowing onto the land and watering the ground alongside the river. Even those who have not freely taken of the waters, but have watched the river roll by, are being touched by the virtue of the overflow. Those who have stood by are beginning to recognize that the refreshing has been a work of the Lord.

 Those who did not hesitate to jump into the flow of the river have been equipped by the power of My Spirit to be a light to those around them, for they have been receiving the light of My life in the waters. They have been made whole and are able to stand in adversity. I am quickening My Spirit within these, for they have been faithful to seek Me and My reward is on its way. I am about to lift them up upon the Rock of Christ and to endow them with a rod of authority in the name of Jesus. I am establishing them into the calling upon their lives. They are being equipped to minister to those round about them and their ministry shall be great. I am establishing them in a position of authority they did not expect and I am about to move them out in the power and anointing of My Spirit. This is the day, says the Lord, when I shall do these things.


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