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THIS IS THE DAY OF REVIVAL! - April 25, 2022

Honesty and integrity. These are two qualities I want you to function in. These are integral to the moving on of My plan in the lives of those who would serve Me.

Move ahead according to plan. I will give you the desires of your heart. All your children shall praise Me. I am moving amongst them and taking them into understanding. This is the day of revival in the land. I shall revive those who have been without life in My Spirit. I shall bless those who are Mine. I will supply every need. Do not worry about those things that seem to be unresolved, for I am moving to bring resolution.

Give praise, for I have not left you. I have not forsaken you. But I have come through for you in those areas that were of concern to you. And I will continue to come through on every promise. Great grace is upon you. Great are My ways. I will lead you and teach you and bring you into such a revelation of My love, that you will stand in awe.

I will move things ahead according to My schedule. I will bless you and release you into the fullness of joy. This is the day when I shall take you into those places promised. I will focus you on the mission set before you. I will give you the power to overcome every fear and every odd. You will stand amazed when you see how powerfully I lead you. My power is resident in you and you will see it increase by leaps and bounds.

I am a faithful Father to those who call unto Me. I will never leave those who continually cry out to Me. I have a plan and a purpose for each life, and I am fulfilling it in this day. No eye has seen and no ear has heard of the wonderful things I have in store for those who love Me and are called according to My purpose!

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“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew...

1 Comment

Apr 27, 2022

Very encouraging words!

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