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“For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

“Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.”

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.”

Take hold of God and run. I am opening doors. I am clearing the runway. You are about to mount up with wings and be carried up and away in the Spirit. I will take you into places of darkness and you shall use the weapons of war supplied to you to take down the high places.

I am sending you out in this day. Doors you did not expect to open are opening before you. Dreams you never expected to come true are about to come to pass. I am taking you high and wide. You will be lifted up on the wing and shall glide in heavenly places. You will be taken to the poor and rivers of living water shall be released through you unto them and they shall receive the life that you bring. You shall be covered and wrapped securely in My love and never be alone, for I am with you and shall be right beside you.

I am taking down the high places, cleaning out the assembly. My fire is coming and will burn off the chaff. Only those who are lifted up and taken out will prosper, for they shall emerge as lights to the world who will go forth to bring the harvest into the barns. The unrepentant shall be reduced to ashes. Their works shall not make it through the fire, for they are but hay and stubble.

Do not be concerned for those who choose to dishonor the Lord. Do not weep for them. The Father has given them every opportunity to turn from their wicked ways but they have refused to listen to the words brought to them. They had contempt for those who were sent to show them the way and they are under judgement. Their kingdom shall topple and be no more. The structure shall be brought to the ground and nothing and no one will be able to raise it back into place. No human effort is able to withstand the judgement of God that has come to the house of God.

I am building My church, a bride without spot or wrinkle, who will be prepared to meet her bridegroom. I am building a people with the love of Christ radiating through them. They shall love with the Father's heart of compassion. They shall gather the sheep and bless them, feed them, and minister life to them. You will see this church emerge. It will function in the fullness of the Spirit of Christ to bring in the harvest. Every gifting will flow through this Body to accomplish this work. Giftings of the evangelist, teacher, pastor, prophet, and apostle shall flow forth to accomplish the purposes of God in this day.

I am releasing those who have been bound up by a structure that has hindered and prevented the work of the Lord from going forth. This structure is being removed and nothing will hinder the army of the Lord form marching forth in power to tear down every stronghold and trample it underfoot. This is the day of release for the people of God. They are being removed out of the hands of the Anti-Christ and they shall be witnesses of the resurrection power of Christ in the earth today.

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