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THE TURNOVER - February 7, 2024

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”


“Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’”

Matthew 21:12-13



Take the message to the streets. Tell the people that Jesus’ blood saves. Tell them He bled and died for them, that He loves them, cares for them, and has a plan for their lives. Tell them He lives in the hearts of His people, that the fire is an unquenchable flame that will continue to burn till His return.


I am sending you out into the highways and byways. Do not hesitate to blare forth the message of salvation, the message of hope. Do not be conformed to this world or intimidated by its ways. I am preparing the place for the multitudes to come into the Household of God. I am preparing and making the place ready. You will see the door open before you and you will usher the multitudes in. You will usher them into the Kingdom of God. You will take their hand and pull them across the threshold into life.


This is the day and this is the hour, says the Lord, when the Father's house shall be filled. I will bring in the lost from every corner of the earth. I shall draw them in. Your sons and daughters shall come from afar. Your lost and wandering will come to safety and drink water flowing from the Rock of Christ. They shall come and the flocks shall find food and shelter in a land flowing with milk and honey.  Glory and honor belong to the Lord. All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord and all the earth shall join in song and jubilation unto the Lord.


Get ready! Be ready to be put into the place I have prepared for you. You are being equipped and made ready. You are being moved into the arena of influence I have called you to. You will see the doors open before you. You will see My hand move forth before you to put things in order. I have been dealing with the hearts of those around you. I have been chipping away at the hardness, breaking down walls of resistance. They are just about ready to let go of the reigns. When they do, you will go forth to take the ground. You will walk into the position of authority I have ordained you for.


So do not lose hope. Do not be discouraged. Do not think that I have forgotten you, that I have put you on the shelf. I have not set you aside. You cannot see what I am doing. You cannot see that I am moving pawns around as on a chessboard, putting into place those of My choosing and knocking off those who have not ministered faithfully before Me. I am rearranging the board. It will look nothing like it did when I am through!


You have heard correctly from the Heavenly Father concerning the turnover in positions in the Body. I am turning over authority to those rightfully chosen of the Father. I am raising up those of My choosing to reign and rule with the Son in His kingdom, and I am taking out of position those who are not of My choosing. There shall be a great turnover in the House of the Lord. There is upheaval at every level of authority. I am uprooting the ungodly, those who lord it over the sheep, and removing them from positions of authority by the power of My Spirit. I will not allow the ungodly to rule with Me, but only those whose hearts are pure before Me.


I have entered into the hearts of the people. I have opened them up to scrutiny and I am exposing every wickedness in the House of the Lord. Only through repentance will these found guilty be reinstated into the Household of Faith. Only through humiliation will these see the error of their way. There is no way to enter in except through the narrow gate. These have come in through efforts of self. They have swindled those of My choosing out of their rightful place in the Body. They have stolen from My elect what belonged to them. They have broken the backs of My faithful servants, beheaded the prophets, and made every accusation against them. They are guilty of murder and thievery. Their fame has been gained through illegal means. Their names have become known through selfish ways to gain popularity. These are an abomination to the name of the Lord and to the ministry.


How long shall I put up with an obstinate generation? How long will I sit by and watch the ungodly inflict wounds upon those of My own choosing? How long will I allow the House of the Lord to be defiled by lies and deception? I will not let the wicked rule in the house, but I will remove them and every defilement that lingers from their presence. I will wash the House of the Lord clean and a fresh breeze from heaven will sweep through and refreshing will come. Holy is the Lord and everything in His house shall be called “holy unto the Lord.”


Get ready! Get ready, for I am about to pour out My wrath and My vengeance and sweep out every ungodly thing in the temple. My house shall be swept clean and it shall become a house of prayer for all nations. No longer will it be a den of thieves, but it shall house those whose hearts are pure before Me and who honor Me from the rising of the sun till it sets again. I am making Myself a holy people.



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