“Just as I watched over them to uproot and tear down, and to overthrow, destroy and bring disaster, so I will watch over them to build and to plant,” declares the Lord.”
“Therefore wait for me,” declares the Lord, “for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations, to gather the kingdoms and to pour out my wrath on them— all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger. “Then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve him shoulder to shoulder.
Zephaniah 3:8-9
The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.”
It is time for the takeover. I am taking over the kingdoms of the world. What you see is the destruction of the old making way for the new. I have assigned My angel armies. They are on mission to dethrone men and to clear the way for the rise of My kingdom warriors to take their place. You ask, “What good can come out of destruction?” I tell you that this move of My spirit will remove the old order of things, uprooting and tearing down to clear the way for My kingdom to emerge in its fullness in the Earth. Is this too difficult for Me?
Open your eyes to see the toppling of the giants in the land, the culture of the Anti-Christ removed from the face of the Earth. You have been blind, deceived by the enemy to believe this culture would remain. I am shaking all things and only that which is of Me shall remain. Get ready for a great shaking of the nations as I pull down the strongholds over the land and institute My culture of righteous rule, as I take industry into My own hands, shaking out the old and bringing in the new. This is the day of reversal! This is the day of victory for the saints of God! This is the day of the Lord!
My heart desire is to reach the nations with the word of life and truth and I will use the music industry to accomplish this. I am the author and perfector. I am perfecting My plan to reach the nations. Do you see and do you understand that the word of the Lord needs to be sent far and wide to reach the people? It needs to be put into the hands of faithful servants who will carry it. It needs to be made available to all and this is the way I have chosen to send My word forth into the homes of the people. I will send it via airwaves for airplay. This is the plan I have developed to reach the people. You will see how efficient is My way of reaching the masses. Watch to see as changes are made. I will keep the emphasis on the words and the music and off the vessel used to capture them and thrust them forward. You will see how I make the transition, how I flood the airwaves with the song of the Lord, how I take over the industry, how I bring about the revolution in the industry, a complete turnaround, the emphasis taken off the artist and put onto the Lord who is the giver of life.
I have stepped into the industry and erected My standard in its midst. Soon all of its aspects will line up with My will and purposes. No longer will the industry condone the artist but will recognize the works of art as created by the Lord. I will accomplish this. I will institute justice into the recording industry. I will not allow greed and idolatry to influence choices. I will remove these elements and the whole industry will come into line with My will, My way, My purposes in this day. I am taking it over, taking it out of the hands of the ungodly. All musicians shall line up with a code of ethics I am distributing in the land. All songsters shall adhere to its rules and regulations. No evil shall enter its premises, for I shall close the door to evil, bar it up so none is able to come through.
I am erecting a standard of holiness in the film industry as well. Pornographic media shall be deleted from its content. You will see a great change-over in this industry. Laws and regulations shall become stringent and indecent acts and profanity of all sorts will be boycotted. I am erecting My council of judges who will judge the works and eliminate those that do not conform to the standard of the Lord. All illicit use of media will come under strict judgement. It will not be used for personal gain, but will conform to the purpose of the Lord to reach the nations with the testimony of Jesus.
I am taking over the clothing and fashion industry. No longer will brand names be exalted. I am bringing every name down in heaven and earth and the whole earth shall bow to one name and that is the name of Jesus. You will see the transition in this industry. The only name that will be worn is the name of the Lord. This is an avenue of expression that I will take hold of and use for My glory alone. I will wash through and clean up. No longer will the haughty rule the industry. I am taking it out of their hands and putting it into the hands of My humble servants. I will strip pride and idolatry away and only fashions that are modest will be made available to the marketplace. I will close doors to all who would seek to oppose My will in the industry. You will see the transition go from the development and fashioning of garments contributing to lust, greed, and idolatry, to those that glorify the Father in Heaven. A great upheaval is coming, a great trampling that will annihilate the workers of iniquity in this industry. My heart's desire and purpose is that the people would come into wholeness and wholeness is coming to the clothing industry. I am pulling out the props, the poles that hold it up. Fashion trends that encourage lust, greed, immoral behavior, will be removed.
I am doing a great work in the earth. Fashion is being addressed in this day, fashion statements, the fashion industry. Order is coming to the industry. Limits are being redefined. What was allowed will no longer be acceptable, and those who modeled wear that is an abomination to the Lord will no longer lead in the industry. I am taking down stigmas, rules of the trade, removing stigmas put upon men and women. I am breaking down the hierarchy of power that has been in control and its captives shall be set free. Those in the industry who have promoted greed, lust, idolatry, pornography will be removed, and the industry shall reflect the standard of the Lord.
This is what I am doing in this day. This is the process you will see as I take down the kingdoms of men, as I bring My standard of holiness into the land. You will stand in awe when you begin to see the dismantling of the works of the enemy in industry as I move in and take over.