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THE RISING OF THE CHURCH - August 25, 2022

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”

Isaiah 60:1-3

‘For you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings...And you will tread down the wicked, for they shall be as ashes under the soles of your feet on the day which I am preparing,” says the Lord of Hosts.’

Malachi 4:2&3

Invest in things above and avoid traps set by men. Do not heed the advice of the ungodly, but set your sights on high. I am moving amongst My people in this day, bringing them in line with My heart for the nations. I will bless those who honor My name. I will provide for their every need. They will not go hungry and they will not be in want. The goal is in sight and the prize is to be won by all who revere My name.

Great blessing is about to be released unto those who have faithfully followed Me. Their households shall be blessed and their barns shall be full, for a great harvest shall be brought in and the house of the Lord shall be full. I am waiting for the hearts of My people to burn with passion for the lost. When this has been accomplished, when My people have been brought into submission to My will, their light shall break forth and their healing shall come quickly. All the riches in the world cannot compare to the beauty and the splendor that will be theirs. Kings and princes will be drawn to them, seeking to know the source of their fulfillment and joy.

This is a day like no other. Every cry from the heart of My people shall be heard by the Heavenly Father. I will minister life into every part of their being and they shall be raised up into the abundant life of the Son. Glory and honor shall be theirs, for they shall be great in the land. Their influence shall reach far and wide. Their authority to tread upon the serpent’s head shall be great, and no evil thing will be able to touch them. They shall march in and take the land and it shall be theirs. Those living in the land will be under their feet and they shall rule over the people with great authority. My people shall be called a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood.

Prepare for war, My people. Be ready for the greatest battle of all time. The trumpet has sounded. The gates of the enemy have come down. So go in and take the land. Possess it and begin to rule in the authority that has been given to you through the finished work of Christ. His shed blood has gained access to the land. It has delivered you from death and brought you into life and you shall enter into the land of the living, possess it, and rule with the power and authority that is yours in His name. Every high and lofty thing shall come down, for you shall go forth wielding the sword with great strength and dexterity to cut down everything that exalts itself above the knowledge of the Lord. With great accuracy you shall hit on the enemy’s arsenal of deceptions to destroy every one of them. Speak the Word and it shall be done, for My word shall go forth to pull down every high and lofty thing.

My people are coming out of hiding. No longer will they be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, but they shall be brought into the truth and into unity in My Spirit. No longer will they be divided by teachings of men, but they shall be united in love for the Lord and one another. They shall walk in humility of Spirit, esteeming others greater than themselves.

This is the day of release for the captives. Those held captive to the lure of the enemy will come to see the error of their way. They will recognize the enemy’s tactic to divide and conquer and understand how division in the body weakens it and brings defeat to the Church of Christ. When they see this, they will fall in repentance at My feet. They will seek to be forgiven and healed and brought into the perfect will of God and I will hear and answer and change their hearts. I will give them love for one another. I will show them how to fit into the body, to find their place, and how to function in the part they have been called to. There will be no more jealousy and spite toward one another. These will be removed and the body shall function as a unit and the Spirit of Christ shall flow through her, giving life to every part and causing the whole body to move with great strength and agility as it comes into health, no longer crippled and dysfunctional, but functioning in perfect harmony. The world will look on and marvel and the Church of Christ shall be recognized as a people blessed of God, a force in the earth to be reckoned with. No longer will they point the finger and mock the servants of the Lord, but they will stand in awe at the impact the Church of Christ has in their homes, their communities, and their country. Their eyes will be opened to see the light and life of Christ radiating through the Body of Christ and they shall be drawn to their knees in repentance.

Make known the goodness of God to the peoples. Proclaim that Jesus is Lord in all the earth. Declare the sound of His coming. Raise up the banner of His love. Joy will be yours as you join in to celebrate the glory of the risen Lord. Great shall be the rejoicing of those who hail the King as He comes into His temple in this day. I am pulling down every barrier, every roadblock. The way of the Lord is being made ready. Hail to the king! Hail to the King of Kings! Rejoice, for your king is coming and your reward is with Him!

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