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THE RETURN OF THE LORD - February 28, 2024

“Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

“And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.”



For eternity, I am preparing My people for eternity. Soon this life will be over. The clouds of darkness shall be rolled away and the Son shall shine forth His radiance over all the earth. There will be no more tears and no more sorrow for those who love the Lord. All hardship will cease.


Forever is on its way, so hold on to the words that I say

And neither doubt nor fear, for all will hear

And all will know that the time is here


Live your life in a way that pleases the King.

Live in His love, reach out to Him.

Great and marvelous are His ways, just and true are they.

Countless benefits are yours if you go His way.


Close an ear to the one who seeks to destroy your life and put your trust in the Lord alone and you will find joy, joy, joy, in Him.


Is this a song that I write, or is it a simple plea,

To reach the hearts of those who seek to live eternally

Is it the wind that speaks His name and all creation joins in harmony

To recognize the King, the one who came to make all things new

And to gain eternity for me and you?

He is the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End

The reign of His kingdom will never end

To Him all glory will ever be

Hear the sound of His coming, a whisper in the breeze

Yet the mighty ocean's roar makes His name known.

The signs of His coming are shown to all men

All creation is calling Him in

He is the Lord of this life and eternity.


Those who sit on the sidelines and mock the moving of My Spirit in this day will be in awe when they see the power of My Spirit released, for what they thought impossible will be a reality, and what is not birthed and borne of the Holy Spirit will be cast aside like a dirty rag, for I cannot use that which has not been birthed of the Spirit. All the works of the flesh shall be burned up in the sight of the people. Every good deed men put their trust in will be apprehended, taken out of their hands, dashed to the ground, and trampled underfoot.

I am coming in vengeance to uproot the work of the enemy in the lives of the people, to trash performance, and to set a standard of righteousness in the midst of the people. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be honored as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. My deeds will be made known to the people. Every tear shall be wiped away, every fear shall be removed and only love and virtue will rule. You will see, in your midst, the turning of the hearts of the people. You will see the heartbeat of the Father beating forth through chosen vessels carrying the Good News to a generation who has not known the goodness of God, but have separated themselves from the Father's love. I will change the hearts of the people. I will turn their hearts to God, to the Father’s love, and they shall be made whole and rejoice and be glad, for their God reigns.

From sea to sea I am pouring out My glory in this day. It is rising upon My chosen vessels and the kings of the earth are being drawn to the brightness of their dawning. You have not understood the message given to men through the prophets of old. Your eyes have been blinded and your understanding dulled, but I am unveiling Myself to the masses. I am revealing My identity to a generation who has only known of Me, but has not known Me. I am making known to the people, the beauty of My splendor.

I am the refuge, the hiding place in the storm. There is no other safe place. Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy laden. All you who fear, come unto Me and I shall give you rest. I will make Myself known unto you. You will taste of Me and see that I am good. I am the glory and the lifter of your head. I hold all things in My hands and I am in control.

Do not doubt. Do not be swayed away from the truth. Do not listen to the voice of the enemy who would tell you your days are numbered. Have I not come to set the prisoner free, to bring up out of the dungeon those who have been held captive to sin and idolatry? Have I not given My life as a ransom for many? Who will you go to in times of trouble? What will be your escape from the wrath that is to come? Where will you go to hide from the presence of the Lord? Repent, for the time is at hand and the Father beckons to you with open arms to come and be healed. How long will you wait to be made a new creature in Christ Jesus? How long will you hold the Lord off at bay? He delights in you, desires to make His abode amongst you. You are the apple of His eye, his creation, created by His own hands for His good pleasure. How long will you deny the purpose of your existence? Don’t you know you were bought with a price, with the blood of Jesus? Don’t you know that the Father loves you with an everlasting love? How I have cried out to My people, that they might hear Me and turn from their wicked and perverse ways. How long I have desired to dwell amongst My people as in days of old, to make My presence known to all!

I am casting away the intruder, the one who has prevented My people from hearing My voice and seeing My hand moving. I am vindicating My elect, pulling them up and out of the grips of complacency and ill-repute. I am pulling them up off the ground and onto their feet to proclaim the message of salvation to the lost. I am putting within them the message and thrusting them out of their comfort zones and they will find no comfort except to do My will. I will not let the accuser of the brethren harass any longer. I will apprehend him at every attempt. I will take out of his hands the ammunition he has used against My elect and render him helpless.

This is the day when all things shall be brought into submission at the Lord’s feet. This is the appointed time for the harvesters to be sent out and for the harvest to be brought into the barns. This is the day of salvation.




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