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“He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.”

“The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.”

“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.”

“Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power.”

Press in, press in My people and do not give up hope. Do not think that the times you are living in are times of defeat. Do not take on the mindset of the world, listening to their lies being perpetrated. No harm shall come to those who belong to Me. No weapon formed against you will prosper, says the Lord, for I am your strong tower, your help, your redeemer, the One who counsels and gives leadership. Look to Me and you will see marvelous things. You will see the tyrants, the giants in the land taken down.

It has been a long drawn out process, but I am at work to bring hearts to the Father, to loosen the hold of slavery, and to set the captives free. You ask about the political system, those who exert their will over the people. Know My children that I am at work to take down this hierarchy of evil doers, to level it to the ground. This is a time of Jubilee, a time for freedom to reign, so be encouraged that I am doing a good work. Every high place will be taken down, every idol and ashera pole of the day shall be removed, and the planting of the Lord will emerge and flourish in the land.

Prodigal sons and daughters are coming home. They are being ushered into the household of God, directed back onto the pathway that leads to life. The lies they believed are being cancelled out and their eyes are opening to the truth. They will clearly see their way back to the Father’s house, for I am opening the way where there seemed to be no way. You know it has been the plan of the enemy to destroy your offspring but I am intervening in this day, says the Lord. I am taking back what is mine. You will see the transformation take place right before your eyes and you will stand in awe.

The platforms of men are being removed. I am ready to bring to the surface the work I have been doing behind the scenes. I am ready to show to the world that I am not dead, but in fact, I am alive and well and their anti-Christ agenda will be apprehended, for I have unraveled it and the manifestation of this work will be made apparent. Political leaders who do not line up with My will and purpose will be removed and their man-made political system shall fall.

This is the day of revival in the land, the day of rejoicing for those who turn to the Lord. Their cups will be full and they shall flourish in the land. Hierarchies that controlled society will be demolished and their hold broken, for I am establishing a new form of government in the land, one that upholds the purposes of God. You will see that power has been removed out of the hands of men and a divine shift into righteous rule has begun, for I am setting up My kingdom in its fullness upon the earth. All authority in heaven and earth belong to Me and I am instituting it in the earth in this day, taking over man’s system and implementing the government of God. All wickedness will be dealt with as My arm sweeps through and the planting of the Lord shall emerge for all to see.

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