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THE NEW BEGINNING - March 6, 2024

“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”


“For behold, Your enemies, O Lord, for behold, Your enemies shall perish; All the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil. My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies; My ears hear my desire on the wicked who rise up against me.”

Psalm 92:9-11


“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”


I am designing, altering, putting together criteria. Transformation is taking place. I am lifting you up and setting you high upon the Rock of Christ, high above the behavior of others, high above their jurisdiction, their claims upon you. Regarding financial activity, I am in control, so do not fear the idle threats of men. I am able to harness resources and direct them into affairs of My choice, so expect that the endeavors I lead you into will be provided for. There will be no lack, no lack luster, for I am prompting those of My choice to help you, to back you, support you, and you shall prosper in this day.

Hallelujah, amen! Sing hallelujah, joyful, joyful praise unto the Lord, for He has conquered, and He will reign with equity!  Rejoice and be glad that I have entered into your life, your situation, that I have defeated the foe that wars against My Elect. I have destroyed the work of the enemy, put to nothing his schemes. I have brought salvation to your house. Your offspring shall be blessed in the land that I am giving them. They shall be raised up. They shall be given grace, great grace, and they shall move unhindered into the positions of leadership I have ordained for them. I am on the move to bridge gaps and break down barriers that have separated My people. I will make for Myself a great nation, calling in from the north, south, east, and west. They shall come together from the ends of the earth, from all tribes and tongues. I have anointed and appointed these to do My bidding in the earth.

Behold, I come quickly to make all things new. Never again will the enemy harass My chosen ones. I will protect and give council. I will heal and bring peace to My servants. I will show to you My love when I make all things new, so rejoice in what My hand has accomplished. Rejoice in the turnaround of events, in the new beginning.

I have made Myself clear to the erring. I have persuaded them of My council, of My judgement, of My power to change, to raise up, to confirm testimony of My love. You will see the changes shortly and recognize that I have wrought them. You will understand that I am a jealous God, that I have a passion for My chosen ones that cannot be quenched.

I will demonstrate My love to you, My everlasting covenant of grace to you and your seed after you. I will perform My will. I will alter events, turn them around for gain, so be ready to experience a fresh new flow of My Spirit to rekindle the flame once again. You will see great and marvelous things as you have not seen. You will see that I am for you, that I am against the offender, but for the upright. I will fulfill My promises to you, renewing My covenant with you. A fresh, new anointing is being poured out.  Be revitalized in it. It will take you on into liberty.

I have overcome the fowler, put to nothing his plans to defile you. You will shine forth as gold, for I have surely purified you. You have come through the fire and shall stand unharmed. There is no resistance to My word. It will go forth to perform what I send it out to do. I have given you equipment. Use it to call in the harvest. Employ giftings to usher in the millennial rule of Christ and showers of blessing shall fall continually.

Rejoice, be glad. Give unto God the honor due His name. Magnify the Lord. Exalt His name. Declare His praise. Sing it forth! Testify of His good works. Tell of His greatness and of His power!



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