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“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”


“The king spoke, saying, “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty?” While the word was still in the king’s mouth, a voice fell from heaven: “King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: the kingdom has departed from you!  And they shall drive you from men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. They shall make you eat grass like oxen; and seven times shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses.”

Daniel 4:30-32


“Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”



Farther, I am taking you farther into the realm of My Spirit. I am baptizing you, completely immersing you into the water of life. You are going deeper into the wells of salvation to gain wisdom and understanding that has not been revealed to the world. I am opening up understanding of the things to come. I am giving you life and giving it abundantly. You will revel in My love. You will be brought into the Holy Place to receive of the Father’s love. You will come up and in. In this place you shall receive everything that your heart desires.

I am moving forth to take down the mountains that have loomed ahead of you. I will bring them to the ground and you will walk upon level ground. The way will be easy, the burden light. I am opening up the way that has been blocked off. I am opening the gates and you shall go forth carrying the giftings and anointings with great ease. I am tying up the loose ends. I am binding up together those things that have been scattered. I am calling them together and they shall function as a tight unit. Their effectiveness shall be great as they function together to accomplish the finished product. You will see how effectively the parts come together, function together, and go forth to accomplish the purposes of God.

Many have gone forth before, many have reigned and ruled over the ground in the areas of influence I am establishing you in. Many have gained the respect of the people and have been honored for their expertise. Many have worn the crown of popularity amongst the people and have established themselves at the top. They have gained and taken ground and held it. They have been successful in areas of influence amongst the people, but they have not acknowledged My name among the nations. They have not given the glory to the Lord who empowered them and raised them up, but sought to glorify themselves and turn the hearts of the people away from the Creator. I long for these to acknowledge My lordship, to bring glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, to use the giftings given them to make known the goodness of God to the nations. I have waited patiently for their hearts to be turned to their maker and the source of all their greatness and I am waiting still, and I will wait till they see and understand that everything they have is from the Father above, good gifts given to men.

Do not grow weary of well-doing. Do not lose hope, for I am raising up a standard in this day and all will be judged according to it. Those who refuse to acknowledge Me in their success will be removed from the area of influence they have functioned in. They shall be taken down out of position. The whole earth shall know that I am the Lord, that I have come to bring life abundant. Every knee shall bow before Me to acknowledge that I am Lord and every tongue shall confess My name among the nations. The banner of My love shall be lifted up over the earth and all the earth shall worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and there will be no turning away, for every creature in heaven and earth shall see My power at work among the peoples and they shall stand in awe as the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of the Lord, for in this day, I am taking back what is rightfully mine. I am raising up My servants to take ground back from the enemy, to reign and rule over the people in authority given them from the Father in heaven and to do great exploits for their king.

You will see kingdoms fall to the Lord as His elect go forth in power and anointing to gain back areas of influence from those who refuse to acknowledge His greatness. A great war is going on in the heavenlies to dethrone those who have reigned and ruled in their own power and strength. When the battle is done, the kingdom shall be given to the Lord's elect and they shall possess the kingdom for ever and ever.


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