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“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”

Matthew 24:29-31

I am preparing My people in this day. Everything that hinders My word and My voice from going forth throughout the land will be pulled down by the power of My Spirit. I am equipping My people and they shall go forth in the power and anointing of My Spirit and nothing shall hinder them. I am anointing hands, feet, and voices that My people may go forth to proclaim My name throughout the earth. Everywhere their feet tread, they shall take the land for My kingdom. On everyone whom they lay hands, My life shall go forth to bring restoration and wholeness. With their lips they shall proclaim the greatness of their God.

Reach out and take hold of My garments, says the Lord, for I am in the midst of you. As you take hold of Me, you shall gain the portion I have for you and you shall go away with much joy and much anointing, for in this day, I am releasing My fullness to those who would come. With line upon line and precept upon precept, I am building My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her. The word of God is going forth in the fullness of the Son, for He is the Word and My church is being built upon Him, the Living Word of God.

Run with the message of salvation to the lost. I am giving you wings to fly. You will catch the wind of My Spirit and soar with the Words of Life I am giving you. The well of My Spirit never runs dry. Drink deeply of the Spirit and run with these words. The Father in heaven is sending you into places ordained for you to enter. The doors are being opened before you. I will walk before you to clear the way, so follow close to me. Together we will take ground for My Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is being established on the earth in this day. The darkness is being rolled back and the strongholds of the enemy are being crushed and trampled upon. I am speeding up My coming to men in My fullness. I have heard the cries of the saints, of My Bride, calling for her Bridegroom. The wedding feast is prepared and the call is going out all over the earth. The trumpet has sounded and those who hear the sound will soon be gathered up. The winds of the Spirit are increasing in speed. A whirlwind is being formed. As the winds go throughout the land, the elect are being gathered up from the four corners of the earth. Their hearts are being turned toward the Father and the Son. Each one is being brought in and fitted into the kingdom. When the full number is in, the Son of Man shall appear to all men, the dead in Christ shall rise up to meet the Lord in the air, and those who are Mine will be taken up. The wind of My Spirit will encompass them and they shall be taken up in the wind. The angels shall gird them up. The earth will be filled with the sounds of angel voices at the coming of the Lord as they gather up My elect.

When you see the wind of the Spirit increase, know that the time is at hand, that the Bridegroom is about to come for His Bride. Times of refreshing have been sent to those who have remained faithful. They have received the refining work of the Master, put on robes of righteousness, anointed their eyes with eye salve, and are ready, for they have been changed into the image of the Son and nothing of themselves remains. These are the ones who will be ready when the Bridegroom comes to take His prized possession to Himself!

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