“Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.”
I will justify my works. Be encouraged that I am reinforcing My covenant with My elect, that I am implementing My truth in the assembly and the whole house will flow with resources coming in from outside. Just be open to the new, the new way I am doing things, how I am giving back the years the locusts have eaten, how I am changing and rearranging things, how I am removing those who have held My prophets back from moving in to take the ground. I am breaking the power of witchcraft that has held back My power and I am taking down the high places, those erected by men to uphold men. Just as I promised, I am moving in to take over. Change will come that will turn the whole building on end. Structural breakdowns will make room for truth to be ushered forth. This is the day of new beginnings for those who have stood faithful in the storms of life. Just as promised, I am moving behind the scenes, setting the stage, and making ready those who will be moved out of obscurity in this day.
Honor is coming. Be confident that the Lord your God has not left you, that He is on the move to bring order out of chaos. This is the day of fulfillment. I am fulfilling My promises to My elect of a revolutionized structure through which My purposes will be fulfilled in this day. This structure will accommodate the free flow of My Spirit moving to the ends of the earth. I am not a man that I should lie. I have prepared a place of ministry for My Beloved. I know all seems lost, but I am moving in all the earth to accomplish My end time plan and I am preparing and equipping you to be moved on and into position. Declare My praises to an erring generation. Tell of My deeds, My great and awesome purposes to bring in a harvest of souls in this day. The time is right. Soon you will see the movement into the field of ministry where all things promised will be birthed.
Participate in bringing in the sheaves. Go into the harvest fields, for the fields are ripe unto salvation. I have given you jurisdiction and I will carry through to bring you into the surroundings promised you, so be obedient in the task to make My ways known to the nations. Call into being My kingdom and you will see a movement from the old into the new. I am opening up doors that have previously been sealed shut. I will bypass red tape and take you onto front lines to the task of outreach, evangelism. You are being primed, being made ready to go. The harvest is ripe and I am sending out harvesters into the fields. I am opening the doors to prophetic evangelism. Just one word will turn the hearts of many. One by one the lost will be brought into the kingdom. So be faithful to pursue the open door before you. Do not slack off, but speak forth My word to an erring generation.
I will dictate policy. I will determine the role of My people in the harvest. I will designate work to those who are willing to leave all to come follow Me. I am building in this day. The building is going up according to plan. The stakes are in to take the ground. Do not limit the scope of ministry. Do not be content with local endeavors. They are just a foretaste of what I have in store on grand scale. Great is My mercy. Great is My call on the lives of those who honor the word brought through surrendered vessels. You will see the building collapse, that erected by the hands of men. I am able to take down the efforts of men, render them powerless, and to build according to My plan and blue print. Great gain is in store for those who seek to follow Me to the ends of the earth. I will justify the cause, give it credibility and put it into orbit.
Those who would try to halt My efforts will be apprehended. My plan will accomplish My purpose. I am extending Myself to the nations, holding out the royal scepter. All may come and partake of the fare I am providing in this day. I am indeed raising up a generation that will enter into the fullness of My promise. I am gathering up My precious warriors and they shall be released to go forth in power and might to take the land. Declare war on the principalities. Go in and take the land. The battle cry has sounded and My warriors are being released to flow forth into the highways and byways.
Justify the cause. Treat circumstances as stepping stones to gain favor in the arena of praise. I am opening up a new and revolutionary outlook on life. I am bringing favor. You will experience a new openness to the revelation of Christ. The tide will turn and you will find free flow of ministry. I am opening up a new format, a new style, and a new revolutionized way of doing things. The emphasis will be off the familiar and shifted onto the new, so be ready to be thrust out of the quiet zone, out of familiar settings and to be brought into new avenues of expression. I will take you out and into the free flow of events culminating with My return. You will not move back again into indecision, but you will move forward in the call. I will give you stamina. I will give you everything you need to make it through training and onto frontlines. This is the day of promise. All promises made will come to pass. I am giving you insight into truths. You will know the truth and it shall set you free. It has not been for local endeavors, but for opportunity to be part of a world-wide move of My Spirit. You will see how I thrust you out of your surroundings and plant you into a world-wide endeavor to evangelize the nations.
I am calling together a group of worshippers with the heart of David who will sing and dance before Me unashamedly. I have set these up to be on front lines to the nations. So keep moving in that direction. Keep pressing in and you will see the results of your obedience to march forth with marching orders from your king. I will not allow the enemy to trip you up. I will move you into circles where there is a free flow of My Spirit, where there is complete liberty to dance before Me and to declare My lordship in the earth. Keep in step with My plan of action. Remember the words I spoke, how I encouraged you to wait for My timing. Well, this is critical. Do not run ahead and try to make things happen. Remain in that secret place with Me and I will teach you all you will need to know. When the time is right, I will release you world-wide into ministry. It will not be a struggle. I will open the doors and let you in. I will open the door when the time is right so do not go banging on doors, saying, “Let me in.” When the time is right, the right door will open to you. This is where things are for those who have faithfully followed Me into battle. Placement is important. It is crucial that you are placed properly, so resign yourself to the task at hand and do not aspire to making things happen. I am in control. I am the captain. I will give the order to move out when the time is right.
Relax and enjoy the safety and peace you are now experiencing, for soon the time will come when you shall go out onto front lines and the battle shall rage. I will send you into the highways and byways with the message of My Son and demonstrate My power to heal and forgive. And I will take ground in the lives of the people, but understand that the stage is just being set for the take-over, that I am lining things up, events to come, and when the time is ripe, you will be sent out with power from on high to accomplish the works prepared in advance for you to do. So stay on track. Stay focused in on preparing for what is to come. Keep prophesying the will of the Father into the earth. Keep pulling down the strongholds by declaring My word and you will see how the stage is set for the millennial reign of Christ to be birthed into the earth. You will see the full picture, the full revelation of things to come. I am releasing them. Faithfully declare them forth and you will see how My kingdom is set up in your midst. I am planning to take the nations so wield the sword of My word. Many are sitting up to take notice and soon the final stage of My plan shall kick in. Trumpet forth the call to gather in the lost, to encourage the meek that I have indeed called and chosen them to be a part of what I am doing in these last days.