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THE DAY OF RELEASE - August 29, 2022

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.”

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

“And when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she won favor in his sight, and he held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Then Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter. Then Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter. 3 And the king said to her, “What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given you, even to the half of my kingdom.”

Hear the word of the Lord. Incline your ear to hear My voice, for I desire to speak to you, to reveal My heart to you. You are on course and I am leading you in the direction you must go. Everything that has been stolen out of your life is being restored. My desire is that you move onward in the power and authority of My Spirit. Everything you need is in Me. I am your fulfillment. As you move in Me, you accomplish My will for your life.

Look up, for your redemption is drawing near. You are entering into the fullness of My Spirit, for a full measure of My Spirit is about to be released into you. As you flow in My Spirit you will marvel at the ease at which you take ground back from the enemy of your life.

I am raising up a witness to the people of the resurrection power of Jesus. I am putting My Beloved on display and I will uphold you with My strong right arm. Much fruit will be produced in you and the harvest will be great. I am establishing you upon an immovable rock and you shall stand the test of time, for you shall face the wind of My Spirit and be purified. You shall set your face as flint, and nothing will be able to stop or hinder the work I accomplish through the clean vessels I am making you into.

You are mine. I have chosen you to go forth and bear fruit for the Kingdom of God. My seal is upon you, My Spirit is within you, and I am beside you. This is the day of your release. Go forth in the joy of the Lord, for the joy of the Lord within you is your strength. It will rise up and burst forth to carry you wherever I take you. I am making the way clear for you to be released by those around you. They will bless you and bless the work of My Spirit through you in this hour.

Get ready for the greatest outpouring of My Spirit you have seen. I am about to pour Myself out in unprecedented measure into clean vessels I have prepared for Myself. These shall be filled to overflowing and My Spirit shall flow forth from them. Make every effort to enter into the Holy Place, into the presence of the Lord, to receive the gift of life from the life giver. Come before the Lord with praise and thanksgiving and He will extend his royal scepter to you, for you shall be pleasing in His sight. And as He extends Himself to you, you will go from His courts lacking nothing, for in this day, the Father is lavishing upon His people every gift and every blessing in His storehouse. He will withhold nothing from those who seek Him wholeheartedly, but will freely pour out an abundance upon those who ask. So come into the presence of the Lord with joy, for the Father’s heart is to bless and equip you to fulfill the call upon your life. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened. The way will be made clear for the army of the Lord to go forth to storm the gates of hell.

Power and authority to tread upon the head of scorpions and to crush the accuser beneath your feet is being released in this day. Receive that which is being held out to you. Just as the scepter was held out to Queen Ester by her king as she found favor in His sight and her request was granted, the scepter is being held out to you, for you have found favor in the sight of your king. So ask. Do not hesitate, but ask what you will and your request shall be granted. Boldly come before your king, for He longs for His people to enter into His chamber, to receive all that is available to them.

Go into all the earth and make disciples of all nations. I am calling you to give out to others what I have given you. I am opening the door and soon you shall walk through it into the work I have ordained for you. I am giving you the desires of your heart, opening the doors of ministry available to you. I am releasing more creativity, more artistic giftings into you and these will be expressed through colorful means. Rejoice in your king, for He has heard your cry and He will grant to you everything that you ask. Do not fear or be intimidated by those who would try to hold you back, for I am releasing you and you shall go forth to accomplish great feats for your God. My anointing shall be upon everything you put your hands to and it will spring to life and bear fruit for the kingdom of God.

I am lifting the curse, cutting the reigns that have held you back, and loosing the enemy’s hold over you. Nothing will hinder you, but you will walk into one ministry after the other with the power and anointing of God in everything you do. You have been willing to lay your life down, to say “no” to the world, and have walked freely and boldly into My courts before Me because your heart is pure, your hands are clean, and your motives are undefiled. I will honor you with great wealth and prosperity in the things of the Lord and you shall reign and rule over much, commanding the respect of those around you, for they shall see that the giftings and abilities in which you function have been given to you of the Father.

Continue to seek Me for direction. Continue to listen for My instructions from hour to hour, for I am moving you out in many directions and you will need to hear My voice clearly to stay in the flow of what I am doing. Fine-tune your ears to hear and obey immediately, for a variety of giftings are about to be put into use and you will be busy to keep up with the flow pouring forth.

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