“Arise, O God, judge the earth; For You shall inherit all nations.”
“Then the trees of the woods shall rejoice before the Lord, For He is coming to judge the earth.”
“The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces; From heaven He will thunder against them. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth.”
“Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You shall judge the people righteously, And govern the nations on earth.”
“Let the rivers clap their hands; Let the hills be joyful together before the Lord, For He is coming to judge the earth. With righteousness He shall judge the world, And the peoples with equity.”
“But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, And decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.”
Why do the people tremble? Why do the nations rage? In this day the fullness of the Spirit has come to those who belong to the king. The old has passed away and a new day has dawned. Great shall be the peace of those who put their trust in Me. Great shall be the joy of those who have not backed down to the enemy, but have stood ground, rooted and grounded in the Lord of Hosts. Far-reaching are the consequences for those who have faithfully stood the test. Their reward is short-coming.
The trumpet shall sound and all the earth shall awaken to its sound. Those who sleep shall rise up into life. Those who have been bound up in grave clothes shall be let loose into everlasting life. This is the day when the dead in Christ shall rise to meet Him in the air. This is the day when the hold of this world shall be broken and the people shall be free.
You cannot comprehend the work of the Lord in this day. You cannot perceive the day in which you live. You have been bound up in the traditions and understandings of men and blinded to the truth. A revelation is coming. The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the people shall see Me as I am and they shall come into understanding of the times.
This is the last day, the end of times. Times have been fulfilled and the end has come. Trial and tribulation unparalleled since the beginning is being released upon the earth, bowls of wrath poured out to test its inhabitants. Everything will be shaken. Everything men put their trust in will be pulled out from under their feet. Complacency will be no more. Comfort will flee those who have trusted in the world's system.
I am coming in righteousness to judge the peoples of the earth. I am coming in power and might to pull down everything that has exalted itself above the knowledge of the Lord. Every knee shall bow before Me and every tongue shall confess that I am Lord, the stone the builders rejected. I am the Cornerstone and I have become the Capstone and every building that is not built upon the Rock of Christ shall fall. This is the day and this is the hour.
Take the sword of the Spirit and cut away at everything that hinders you from being lifted up onto higher ground. I desire to take you up in My Spirit, to show you things to come, to teach and equip you in the things of the Spirit. These are wonderful things you have not known, for only in this day, is the flesh being removed from the lives of the people and they shall enter into the fullness of the Spirit. My anointing shall rest upon them and they shall do great exploits.
This is the culmination of the age. All things are being brought together under the head which is Christ. His kingdom is being established in the earth and He shall reign and rule over the nations. Those who have been faithful and true will inherit the kingdom and reign and rule with Him in power and authority and every power shall submit to Him and every name shall be brought low and the name of the Lord shall be exalted over all the earth.
Rise up out of the earth! Hear the sound of the trumpet calling you up out of the earthly nature, out of the world’s hold, out of the miry clay. Join in with the angels to proclaim the day of the Lord, resurrection life for those who have put their trust in Him. This is the call into battle. All the earth shall gather against the Lord and His elect and they shall make war. But the kingdom belongs to the Lord and He and His armies shall smite the enemy and judge the nations. This is the day of battle and of victory for the children of God, for they shall march in and take the land.