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THE COMING OF THE AGE OF POWER - February 27, 2024

“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”

Ephesians 2:19-20


“For “the earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness.” ‘


“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,  that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippians 2:9-11


“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” 


“Then the kingdom and dominion, And the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.”




My grace is sufficient for you. Rest in it. I will build My house and the gates of hell shall not prevail. It is a structure unlike what you have known. I have assigned the builders, those who will be busy putting things together. The plan is laid out. The foundations are in and the building is in progress. Watch to see what I do. I am putting the pillars in place. These are unrecognizable, however they will hold up the new structure. The pillars are the apostles and prophets. All ministries will flow around these. This is what I am establishing in this day, a structure encompassing the fulfillment of the scriptures concerning the last days. The Spirit is being poured out from above and your sons and daughters will prophecy, men will dream dreams and see visions, and great authority and demonstration of power will accompany those who believe. These are the pillars to the new structure.

This is the church’s finest hour, a house built by the hands of God. Every ministry will flow in the prophetic and apostolic anointing. This is the fulfillment of the age. Those who refuse to be built into the new structure will slowly move away from the church. They will be left behind. No one who puts his hand to the plow and turns back is worthy of the kingdom. I am moving My people on into the fullness of the Spirit. Great power and anointing shall follow them as they move forth in ministry.

Watch to see the old structure crumble. Those who mock the power of the Spirit are being brought into submission at the Lord’s feet. Their mockery will be made known to all and their authority will be stripped from them. They will be made to submit to the reign and rule of the Lord and those who are His, the church victorious. This is the end of the age and the age of power is being ushered in onto the earth. Great shall be the authority of those who have followed the Lamb, who have not given in to the pressures to conform to a form of religion.

Great shall be the fall of Babylon the Great, the great harlot who caused the people to serve another master. Great shall be her destruction. Give up the things of the flesh, the desire for the things of the earth. Cease striving for earthly prominence, for those who seek to build a name for themselves will be brought down. Only those who have given up the pursual of earthly success, accomplishments to be seen and known by men, only those who have given up selfish ambition to make way for the King of Kings will reign and rule with Him, for He is coming to set up His kingdom upon the earth to reign and rule in righteousness. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, and in this day, the kingdoms of the earth are being given over to the Lord and they shall become His. No longer will ungodly men rule. No longer will the ungodly reign in authority, for their authority will be stripped from them and given to the saints and the saints shall rule and reign in the name of the Lord.

Rest in Me. Take My yoke upon you. Throw off every ungodly yoke, every yoke of oppression put upon you by the hands of men. Do not bow down to them or serve them, but throw them off and free yourselves, for man shall no longer rule the people. Every form of idolatry will be exposed and identified in this day, and the saints shall take authority over these and trample them beneath their feet.

You will see the trampling of the ungodly beneath the feet of the Elect. This is the inheritance of the saints of the kingdom of God, to reign and rule with Christ, to bring everything into submission at the Lord’s feet. All of creation shall worship the Lord. All the earth shall give Him praise. Every voice shall acknowledge His reign and rule. Every man, woman, and child shall kneel before Him to worship Him. No longer shall man exert his authority, but all authority shall be taken from him and transferred into the hands of the Lord’s elect.

You will see the collapse of the nations, the collapse of a system held up by the hands and efforts of men, for no man will be able to bear what is coming and the whole structure will come down. Deliverance is on Mount Zion. The boats are coming in to shore, and the people are making their way straight to the mountain of the Lord. This is the day, says the Lord, when the ends of the earth shall come to worship the Lord on His holy hill.


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1 Comment

Renaissance Revival
Feb 27, 2024

I love you Shirley. You are such a great gift to the body of Christ. The Word so resonates with me and confirms so many years of the Lords speaking to me. You have such a GIFT. I thank the Lord for you and your Prophetic Ministry. It is a miracle to me to have found your Work. Gods Work. May you be blessed and protected always you and all your generations. Holy is the Lord. God we love our remnant brothers and sisters.

May God continue to use you as a Beautiful Pen, a Scribe unto the Lord our God. We Shall Run to the Hill of the Lord together and Worship Him, Our RIGHTEOUS KING!! Glory Glory Glory!

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