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“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

“It is the Lord your God you shall fear. Him you shall serve and by his name you shall swear. You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are around you.”

Deuteronomy 6:13-14

“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.”

“For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

I am about to blow the roof off the structure that has kept the people in bondage. No longer will they be able to hide from the power of God at work in the earth. No longer will they be able to huddle together in fear of being discovered. I will expose the falsehood of the ungodly system. I will smash down every idol in the temple and bring to ruin the structure that sought to prevent My people from moving on in the giftings. I will bring into account those who would not listen to the prophets but plugged their ears when the prophets spoke. I will tear down the system that exalts man in the assembly, destroying their ashera poles and the monuments built to honor men. You will see destruction all around you. Those who bowed down to foreign gods in the house of the Lord will be brought into accountability. They will not be able to cover their sin, for it will be exposed.

I am moving mightily to take down the system that binds the hands of My people, that seeks to strip them of dignity and to harness them to a life of slavery to the Pharisaical rules and regulations. I have not requested that the people submit to their rule, yet many have willingly allowed themselves to be captured by those who have proclaimed themselves to be the authority. I have not called them, nor have I chosen them, but they have placed themselves in position of authority. Watch to see how I uproot those who have presumed authority. I will pluck them up and out. I will remove them and shut down the system. Watch to see how I do it, how I close down assemblies that have not honored Me, but have honored men. Watch how I dismantle them. It will come quickly, for the building is beginning to fall. The people shall be warned and when they hear that the building is coming down, they will flee. And where will they go? They shall be ushered into a place of safety, a place of refuge. They shall come into places prepared to house them, minister to them, heal them.

I have been preparing places to house those who will come out of the old structure. I have been making them ready. Just as I promised, I have been preparing a place for those who will come into understanding. It is a special place made ready just for them. That is why houses and homes are opening up. They will receive those who flee from the old structure.

The god of religion shall fall. Those who supported the system will leave it when their eyes are opened. They will see that they have been serving a false god, and understand that they have paid allegiance to the anti-Christ, that they have bowed down to worship Baal. Watch to see the collapse as the people leave.

I will break the power of religion and the people shall be released from its stranglehold. Lies perpetrated shall be exposed. False teachings shall be brought to the light. Deception shall be captured and pulled down. Every ploy of the enemy will be discovered and intercepted. This is the day of revival, for I shall revive My people. I shall bring them back to their first love and rekindle the flame, the passion that once was theirs that was snuffed out by religion. You will see whole households transformed by the power of My Spirit. Young and old will come into revelation knowledge of the Lord. Garments of Praise will be given as a cloak and praise will be ushered from their mouths. Whole cities shall be mine. Whole neighborhoods will rejoice in the Lord!

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2 תגובות

barb bachi
02 ביוני 2022

Very encouraging. Thank you


02 ביוני 2022

Oh I love it! So good.

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