"Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. "
Habakkuk 2 :2&3
"I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers." Malachi 4:5
“Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.”
In this day and hour I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh and My arm is moving forth in the power of My Spirit to gather in a people who are entering My rest. I am rending the heavens and visiting My people to gather a remnant, a people blessed by the Lord. Those who bear My Name will be tested by fire, for the God of this age has blinded many and many worship what their hands have made. They have exalted themselves and have taken the glory for themselves, but I am turning their hearts to Me. Those who repent and humble themselves will be vindicated, but those who continue to exalt the work of their own hands will be humbled.
I am raising up My prophets to proclaim My fame to the nations. The trumpet has sounded throughout the land. The call has gone out. The winds are picking up. The winds will winnow out the chaff. Those who receive the cleansing wind will be able to stand in this day, for the winds will increase and those who do not receive the winnowing process will be blown away, for the winds shall increase and come upon the land as a judgement. The Lord is full of mercy and loving kindness and desires that none should perish. Turn your face to the wind and allow the Lord to winnow out what is detestable to Him and to establish you so that you may not be tossed about, but that you may be as oaks of righteousness that will stand through the storm.
For a time, My people have wandered aimlessly in a dry and barren land because of their hardened hearts. They have been struck and wounded. But in this day, I will bandage the wounds and bring healing to the nations, for My people are willing in this day to turn from their wicked ways, to return to the Lord with their whole heart. I have raised up those whom I’ve chosen to speak My Word to the people. Those who hear and repent are being turned to the Father, for in this day I am sending the Spirit of Elijah to testify of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the people to the Father and restore what has been lost. Those who hearken to the voice of the Lord will walk in newness, for all things will be restored in this day, says the Lord. Your sons and daughters shall be restored back to you and your household shall be blessed. You shall possess the land and enter into your inheritance. This is the inheritance of those who seek the Lord and find Him. In this day I am building a heavenly city, a land promised to your forefathers. The gates to this city are called Praise, for this is how you shall enter. The walls are called Salvation, for in this day you shall experience the salvation of your God.
Run the race that is set before you. Pick up those things along the way prepared for you. Gather the insights being given to you and run with them. Just as a baton is passed on, those revelations I am opening up to you are being taken, put on paper and passed on to those who are prepared to receive them. In this day and in this hour, says the Lord, I have stationed My runners. They are positioned strategically and they will run with My Word. As you take what is given to you and pass it on, you are fulfilling your calling. You are doing your part and the network that I have put in place is functioning as I have intended.
In this day I am networking My people for the Church’s end-time ministry. Do not look at the call placed on you as strange, for in this day, says the Lord, I have placed callings on the lives of My people that are unique to the end-times. These demonstrations of My Spirit are unlike what have been known, for I have prepared a people for this day who will move in My Spirit in ways unfamiliar to the past. These ones are ready to follow Me wherever I go and are not held back by the past. They are willing to go forward, to let go of the familiar and to venture into the newness that I have prepared for them. They are willing to obey My every command, for they desire to please Me.
I have called many in this day to receive My Word, take it and pass it on, for this is part of My plan to reach the nations in this day. Many are receiving revelation in this day through the workings of My Spirit. Visions and dreams are being released to them. By the voice of My Spirit, interpretations are being given. To some My Word is being spoken directly into their spirit. Their ears are fine-tuned to My voice and they are able to hear what I am saying. I have called many to write down the things being revealed to them and to pass them on, for it will be critical for My people to hear and obey and move according to the things that are being revealed through My servants in this day and hour.
My army is going forth. I am the Captain of the Host and the orders are being passed down through the ranks by My voice speaking through My servants. If My voice is not obeyed, loss will be suffered. The whole formation needs to be in step with what I am doing, says the Lord. As My servants are faithful to pass on the orders from the Head, and as those who receive the message passed to them are faithful to obey, the army will move unhindered through the land.
Make every effort to do your part, for the Heavenly Father requires faithfulness and obedience from His people in this day. This is the Word of the Lord unto you. Be faithful to heed it, for in this day, My army has begun to move out. The first steps are being taken. The pace is slow for the troops are finding their place in the ranks. As the ranks are locked in, the pace will quicken and with great strength and authority the army will move forth. Those who hesitate to move in stride with it, will fall away. Those who take their place and with resolve determine to be faithful to their call, will push forward, and the gates of hell will not be able to stop the force or the momentum at which the army will move.
This is My Church that I have been building, says the Lord. This is the final hour! Make every effort to fall into rank. Let go of every hindrance, for the ranks are closing and the army is moving out in this hour, and once the pace is quickened, it will not be held back and it will not slow down again. There will be no more delay. Make every effort to find your place and begin to join in step with My Spirit, says the Lord. Those who have ears to hear, hear the Word of the Lord.
will not slow down again. There will be no more delay. Make every effort to find your place and begin to join in step with My Spirit, says the Lord. Those who have ears to hear, hear the Word of the Lord.