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“You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”


“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.”



Behold, I am doing a new thing in your midst. I am bringing you into the land of the living, into a living relationship with the Lord. The Father’s heart is that you enter into the full inheritance of the Son. What belongs to Him is rightfully yours. You have been bought with His blood. You have been crucified with Him, dead, buried, and raised up into eternal life. The judgement of God is about to come upon the ungodly. Those who scoff and mock will be separated from those who have endured hardship and suffering for the sake of the gospel.

I am doing a new thing in the earth, I am calling out those who are mine. I am assembling them on My holy hill. I will astound the world with signs and wonders, with great demonstrations of my power. No longer will those who faithfully follow Me be made outcasts from the assembly and no longer will those whose hearts are set on evil participate in the assembly of the upright.

A strong wind is blowing and it will blow away the ungodly, those who are not rooted and grounded in Christ, those who have the appearance of godliness, but have made friends with the world. Don’t you know you were bought with a price, a great price? How can you partake of the world’s ways and be a friend of God? Do you not know, has it not been written, that those who are friends with the world make themselves an enemy of God?

I am pouring out My wrath in this day. The day of the Lord has come, and it will burn like fire and every evil-doer will be thrown into the furnace. Judgement is coming upon the inhabitants of the earth and the hearts of the people shall be tested with tribulation.

Scoffers and mockers continue to ridicule those who have turned their back on sin. Their wickedness is great and a great harvest is being gathered up in the earth. Those who follow the lamb shall go on into glory and those who do wickedly into eternal destruction.

Every seed is coming to fruition in this day. Those who sowed seeds of repentance are being brought into their inheritance, their reward, and though they sowed with tears, they shall come rejoicing carrying their sheaves with them. Those who sowed to the flesh will bear the fruit of wickedness and reap their reward.

 Times are in My hands, says the Lord, and these are the times in which you live. Every false teaching shall be exposed by the truth. Every lie shall be rendered ineffective. Every attempt of the enemy to thwart the purposes of God has been destroyed. Come into your inheritance, My children, those who have kept the faith against all odds. I have seen your toil and your struggle. I see that you are weak, with little strength, for the battle has been fierce. Before you is the open door, opened by the Father into the full inheritance of the saints. Your joy shall be full. Tears shall be wiped away and all things shall be made new.

This is a new day for those who have faithfully stood the test, who have overcome the world by the word of their testimony and because they were willing to give up their lives unto death. They have denied themselves, taken up the cross of suffering for the sake of the kingdom and have left all to follow Me. Do you think that I have forsaken you? I have not! I will lead you into life eternal, everlasting life. I will lead you on into the Father’s glory.

Do not weep for the ungodly, for every man’s works will be tested by fire. Those who come through the fire unharmed will go on into everlasting life. I am coming soon. Hold on to what I have given you. Mercy and grace were given at the cross. My mercy is great and My grace is sufficient. Rest in My love. Recline into the arms of your Savior. He will keep you from the trials that are coming upon the earth. He is your shield and defender, an ever-present help in times of trouble.



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