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STAND FIRM IN THIS HOUR - April 28, 2022

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.“

I am giving My people strategy to navigate the times you are living in. You will not stumble as you keep your eyes upon Me and heed My counsel. Great waves are coming, but you will be able to ride the waves if you have whole-heartedly submitted to my leadership. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. Render unto God what is His. Do not trade the promises of God for the fleeting pleasures of this world, but make the Lord your habitat. Dwell in Him and He will steady you and satisfy the longing of your soul.

In this day all creation will worship Me, says the Lord. Every manmade kingdom will come crashing down. Every structure instituted by man will come down in this hour, for this is the day of the Lord’s visitation and this is the day of the Lord coming in glory to the nations.

Do not be moved. Do not be thrown off guard by the wiles of the devil, but stay on guard and keep watch, for his tricks are many and his attempts to thwart the purposes of God are multiple. He constantly prowls around to see whom he may devour. Do not let him disarm you, but keep on the whole armor of God. Take up the shield of faith, the breastplate of righteousness. Put on the helmet of salvation and wield the sword of the Word. Keep the belt of truth buckled securely in position and do not let the voice of the enemy distract you from the call that I have placed upon your life. I have shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel and I am sending you out into the highways and byways with the message of hope.

Allow My Spirit to guide and direct you. Do nothing out of self-motivation, but in everything, submit to the Lord, for He is your shelter, your shield, your protector, the lifter of your head. He will fight for you, so do not retaliate, but wait on the Lord for His direction. Take hold of the hope that is within you. Call upon the Lord in trouble and in a hard place and He will come and rescue you. You are His. He delights in you and He will vindicate you, so do not fear the attacks of the enemy, but put your trust in the One who is able to save you.

Go forward in the things I have shown you. Press forward in the steps I have laid out for you, the path before you. Incorporate those things I am revealing to you into the work I have given you. My hand is upon it. My seal is upon it. Go forth and be faithful to use what you have been given to teach the truths released unto you in this day, for they will be greatly used as they go forth to draw many into a living and vital relationship with the Son. They are as nuggets of gold.

I am taking you away. You will find your delight in Me. I will be your love and your life, a light to your path. Pay no attention to those around you who are full of craftiness and wickedness. Their desire is to please themselves. They have no regard for the Heavenly Father. Their delight is in the things of this life. They are not storing up treasure in heaven and building for the day that is coming.

I am calling you to stand firm in this hour. Do not give up hope. Do not defer hope to another, but put your trust in Me. I can and will supply you with all your needs. Many are looking to you for direction, for they see that you are one of mine and an example of one who has found the way. They see that your heart is stayed on Me and that the radiance of My presence is within you.

I am giving you the desires of your heart. You will marvel at the abundance I release unto you. Keep strong and stay on track and in due time you will see the power of My hand move to accomplish all those things that I have promised you. You will see multitudes coming into the Kingdom of God. You will see the fruit of your labor in the lives of those around you. You are strategically positioned and the plan that I have laid out before you is about to be fulfilled.

This is a time of preparation. I will lead My people and show you what you are to do. I will give you glimpses in your mind’s eye of these. They will not be difficult steps, as I will provide the way. I will give you what is needed to do the job. Just follow My instructions. I will put the whole project together, so follow one step at a time and you will see the whole project from start to finish.

I am the potter. You are the clay. Let Me mold you and make you into the image of My Son. Let Me take away those things that cause you to stumble. Let Me remove the briars and the thistles, those things, that when touched, bite into you. I can take these out of your life if you are willing to let them go. I will show you a better way, the way of the cross. I am about to reveal My heart to you in these areas and you will be changed. I will remove the hooks that the world has in you and you will be released into fullness of joy.

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