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“And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray.”

Isaiah 35:8

“So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives.”

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They will not grow weary nor faint, but they will be lifted up and girded up and they shall go forth in the calling and anointing that has been placed upon their lives. Do not look to the left or the right, but keep your eyes on the Lord, for He will give His angels charge over you.

The rivers of My Spirit are increasing in this day, says the Lord. Greater streams in the desert are flowing. You will stand in awe of the workings of My Spirit, for the rivers about to be released are like no others. The waters are crystal clear, flowing from the throne room of God into the streets, into the highways and byways. A standard of righteousness is going forth throughout the land. Those who had turned their backs on the Lord are being turned around, for in this day, the will of the Heavenly Father is being brought to earth, and heaven and earth are being brought together.

In every area of life, the righteous standard of the Lord is taking effect. The idols of the land are being removed and a call to holiness is sounding forth. Those in high places, places of authority, are hearing the sound. Their ears are being opened to the counsel of the Lord, for the Word of the Lord is going forth in the land in this day, and it is not returning void, but it is being raised up as the standard. The sword of My Spirit has been released, and everything that has exalted itself above the knowledge of the Lord is being cut down. The planting of unrighteousness in the lives of the people is being uprooted and plucked out. The wisdom of man is being sent into confusion so that none will trust in it.

In this day, the Lord God will rule the people and the wisdom of God will go forth into every situation, into every place of counsel, for in this day, My truth is going forth. In places of business there is a stirring of My Spirit and the hearts of those involved are being turned around. Ungodly business ethics are being confused and a new set of standards is being implemented. I am redirecting the focus of these organizations to provide financially for the work of the Lord and much will be raised up in this time that will be financed by these, for this is an avenue by which finances are being released into the Kingdom of God and they will flow unhindered.

In this day, much is being established in each community to minister to those in need, for My Spirit is going forth and stirring up great compassion in the hearts of the people. The hearts of My people will be so moved, that they will be willing to leave all to heed the call to minister to the hurting and the lost. As this compassion is being released into the hearts of My people, they are being prepared for this ministry. In each community a system of ministry has been established by My Spirit and when the time is right, those who would be a part of it will be thrust into this system. Continue to draw near to Me. Continue to seek My heart for the lost, for the time is soon when these things will come into place and those who have been seeking My heart of compassion will be used greatly. Much work is to be done, and many laborers are needed, so press in to Me. Seek My direction for the calling upon your life in this ministry. To each one who is faithful, more will be given, so be faithful to seek Me and allow Me to equip you with the Father’s heart, for this is the preparation for the ministry about to be released into your midst.

In this day I am sending My people out into the highways and byways, into the communities to take the light of the Son to those in darkness, and a great wave of My Spirit is about to be released to accomplish this. Not one will be left out, but everyone from every walk of life will be reached and many brought into places of ministry prepared for them, for My people will be stationed and equipped to share the life of Christ with them. Every need will be met through this ministry and the joy and blessing of the Lord will come to those who partake. I am opening the doors and soon these places will be opened up for ministry.

Get ready, for at the appointed time, this work will thrust forward. I am the One who holds the key and I am about to unlock the doors that have been closed. You will marvel at the magnitude and scope of this ministry, for every place that has been closed up will be thrust open and every resource that has been bound up will be released. Buildings that have been empty will be utilized and every available resource will be employed in this work. There will be great unity and oneness of purpose in this effort to reach the lost, for every heart will be committed to this work and not one will be idle, for My Spirit is going forth in this day, says the Lord, and the arm of the Lord is moving forth to bring unity and cooperation among My people and the zeal with which My people serve, is the working of My Spirit.

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