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REVIVAL FIRE WILL BURN - October 21, 2022

“I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”

This is the day of the fulfillment of My word concerning revival in the land. My fire shall be released upon the earth and the heat shall increase and the pressure upon the lives of the people to surrender all unto Me shall be great. I will not allow the unfruitful to hold positions of honor, but I shall displace them and replace them with those filled to capacity with My love and fervor. I am a jealous God and I shall jealously protect what is mine. I have deposited gold into the lives of those who have sought Me with all their heart, great treasure beyond compare, great worth that cannot be measured. Broken pieces have been brought together, broken hearts mended, and out of the brokenness, I have been building. Out of the shattering, I have been able to get the attention of My Beloved, to become your healer, your lover, your heart’s desire that you look to no other. I will put fire within your bones, holy fire that burns away the chaff. I will ignite your heart with passion for the Bridegroom.

Increase, abundant increase is coming to those who do not give up hope, but put their trust in the One who is able to perform all things. I am the Rock, the living stone. Water gushes forth from Me as you tap into Me. I am doing a new thing in the earth. I am removing the outcast from his complacency. I will bring those of no reputation into the inner circle. They will join in with a host giving glory and honor to the King of Kings. I am taking down the old structure, removing its hold on the people, and setting the people free. Think it not strange that in the hearts of the people be kindled a great fire, revival fire. I am setting hearts on fire. They will burn with passion for Me, to know Me, to be with Me, to spend time with Me, to gather around Me, and to let Me be the center of their gathering. I am bringing hope to those who have been without hope. I am releasing a holy passion for the Lord into their hearts, a desire for My presence.

Meet together, prophesy, share the dreams and visions of the harvest, encourage one another that the time is short. Delight yourself in the Lord. Rejoice in Him. Dance before Him. Take your eyes off the world, cast away the standards of men, and rejoice in Me, in My coming. Draw near to Me and I will show you things to come. Come together and invite Me into your midst and you will see great and awesome things, for I will come and I will demonstrate My power amongst you. I am pleased to come and sup with you, to strengthen you, to feed you with the true meat of the word. Do not lean on you own understanding. Ask Me to come into your midst, into your work, into those things set before you. I will show you the futility of putting your trust in your own agendas. I will tear the agendas apart. You will find no joy, no peace in them. I will cast them aside as a dirty rag. I want to do a new thing in your midst. Lay your agendas at My feet. Lay everything down and you will see the power of God at work in your midst to perform miracle after miracle.

Take your eyes off the natural and look into the Spirit. See the things I am doing in this day. See with your Spirit and you will come into understanding. The new structure is going up as you gather together to invite Me into your midst. This is the church, this is the new structure, and increase is coming by leaps and bounds. I am drawing the people in. They will come flocking into your gatherings. They will come from far and near. Be faithful. Come together. Call upon Me. I hear your cries. Give up your agendas. Just call upon Me and you will see what I have for you. I love you and I am coming to lift you up and give you abundant life in the Spirit.

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