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“Come, let us return to the Lord; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.”

“For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.”

Rejoice, for your king is coming on a white horse, riding through the land. Rejoice, for the days of sorrow and sadness are few and your redeemer shall come to you. Rejoice, for the time is near, the time is here for justice to reign in the land. That which was bowed down will be raised up in this day. This is the day of the Lord’s vengeance upon the unjust. I am stamping out injustice in the land. The fowler is being apprehended of his baggage, his ammunition used against the elect. He is rendered helpless in the light of Christ.

You will see that you shall rise with the dawn. I am coming to you, to lift you up, to set you up in the midst of the people. You will be of great influence in the land, for I am handing over to you a platter of good things, everything you will need to take the land. I have ordained that you reign and rule in the land. I am giving it to you. It is being taken by the power and authority of the King of Kings. You will see the turn over. You will step into areas of influence fully-equipped to handle the pressures put upon you. You will stand strong, for I have built within you and you are a strong stately structure that will go forth in the authority of the Lord. This is My desire for you, that you reign and rule with your King.

Press in. I am moving in your midst to tear down the old structure. I am moving quickly and soon the lifeless structure will fall to the ground. I am replacing it with life and liberty. You will see the change. You will see the things that were will be no more. I am taking over. I have posted My servants strategically and when the time is right, they shall be moved into place by the power of My Spirit. I am on the brink of pouring out revival fire over the assembly. Do not give up hope, but press in to the high calling. Stand firm in the revelation given to you. Call into being the things I am showing you. Do not be idle, but be on fire with the Holy Spirit’s passion for revival fire to be poured forth throughout the earth. I am on the move. I am in charge of circumstances. I am on the front lines, doing battle and you will see the victory soon. Keep hooked into Me, keep connected, for I am about to move My army into position to take the ground. Every foe will be trampled beneath My feet. Every lie, every false teaching will be hurled down and I will exalt Myself in the midst of the people. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End and I am moving in power throughout the earth to capture and pull down every ungodly thing in the midst of the people.

Take the message of salvation and run. Bring it to the poor, the lonely, those without hope. The light shines on through My chosen, appointed ones. I will give you the desires of your heart if you seek Me with all your being. Seek to know Me. Draw close to Me, into My presence, into the Holy Place. I long to sup with you, to turn your sorrow into joy, your mourning into dancing. I long to hold you and mold you into the likeness of the Son. I am raising up a remnant of those who honor Me with their lives, who cast away the temptations the world dangles before them. I am a faithful God, just and true, and I rule the nations with an iron scepter. Many are on the brink of disaster, many on the brink of revival. A choice stands before the people. Who will you serve? Will you serve the God of this world or will you choose to serve the risen Savior? Soon the choice will be clear. Those who profess to know Me will be tried by fire. Their faith will be tested in the furnace of affliction.

Many claim to belong to Me, but I have no part of them, for their desire is for the things of the world. They are unwilling to bow down to worship Me, instead they bow down to worship the idols of the land, those things made by their own hands. They have no concept of the suffering and redemption of the Lord. Their hearts lust after recognition. They are a proud and stubborn people who seek their own way. They are unwilling to humble themselves, submitting to My rulership. They have chosen to serve their gods of stone. They trust in riches and put their hope in the things money can buy. There is no longing in their hearts to know their God. They give lip service but their hearts are far from Me. How long will I put up with this wicked and perverse generation? How long will I extend Myself only to be slapped in the face? My anger is kindled toward those who constantly seek recognition in the assembly. They compete for honor and prestige. Their efforts are an attempt to build a kingdom designed to honor position above the Lord Jesus who died for them. They are without understanding, without repentance. Their eyes are covered and they are blinded to the truth. How long will I endure their abuse of the Holy Place? They bring their tithes only to use them for foolish gain. There is no fruit of their labors, for there is no sincerity in their givings. They are empty form with no reward. Give thanks with a grateful heart. Honor and exalt the King of Kings. Shake off complacency. Give up the pursuit of pleasure, renounce ungodliness, and bring a pure, sincere sacrifice unto the Lord.

I am coming in an hour you do not expect. The time is short. Rush on the city, run on the walls - take the city. Pour forth the word of God, the living word of God. Take it into the streets, into the highways and byways. My house shall be filled. The hour is short, so do not linger on the sidelines, but jump into the river and flow with the current. The river is rushing forth with great force to tear away at the foundation of ungodliness in the earth. Everything built upon this foundation will crumble to the ground. Get anchored into the Rock of Christ for the floodwaters will consume everything that is not anchored into the Lord. Great torrents of rainfall are about to be released and everything men put their trust in will be washed away in the flood.

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