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REVELATION OF A NEW ORDER - November 9, 2022

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Revelation 21:1-4

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.”

Jurisdiction, I am giving you jurisdiction. You shall reign and rule with Christ. You shall ride the wave that is coming. I have indeed called you to run with Me, to hold on to My garments and to receive of Me everything designed to bring health and wholeness to you in this day. What has transpired in the past has nothing to do with what I am ushering in in this day. I am building a city whose architect is the Lord. I am putting in the footings, the wiring, and the whole city shall shine with the light of the Son. Many are they who live in understanding of the past, but in this day, the past shall be no more. I am opening up the future, the establishment of the Kingdom in the earth. I am building on the Rock and what I am building will last forever. Soon, very soon, life the way it has been known will be no more, for I am ushering in a new day, the dawning of the new. I have assigned My counselors to their post. I have established My elders in the land. Soon you will see evidence of the new, of a new order. All past experience will be wiped off the map and a whole new way will evolve.

Insurmountable obstacles are being depleted in your midst. I am breaking down strongholds, taking down the high places. Watch to see what I do, how I triumph over injustices done, how I render them under My feet. Take the land. Take ground in the Spirit. I am releasing the people from the grips of evil men and setting them at liberty. Dance before your king. Understand that I have triumphed and am making My ways known. I have indeed sent My chosen ones forth to do the Father’s bidding. I have sent My faithful ones into the highways and hedges to gather in the lost. The day of control is over. I am breaking control, the power of the spirit of Jezebel, and My people shall be released into a full revelation of My Spirit, a full anointing, a power that is not reserved for those who have been involved in corralling my people, but that will be dispersed according to My wisdom.

Testify to My glorious works. Tell of My wonderful deeds. Make known My counsel to an erring generation. Do not befriend the world, but oppose its standards. Do not live according to the understanding of the flesh, but move on into realms of My Spirit. I am building a Spiritual habitation, a glorious dwelling place for the Spirit of the Lord, a place of rest, a place of comfort, a place where the will and the purposes of God are fulfilled. Be ever before Me and I will help you through the times of difficulty. Acknowledge Me and My ways. Make them known. Do not bow down to fear or intimidation. They are not your friends, but the enemy. Do not come under their rule, for they have no hold on you. Soon I will bring justice to every situation, for I shall come to judge the intents of the heart and to over-rule the enemy. Just a little while longer and you will be filled with My most glorious presence and you will ride above condemnation and rise above distraction. I long to take you to a higher place in My Spirit. I long to show you things to come. I long to teach you those things you need to know in order to disciple those coming into the household of God. I long to lavish My kindness upon you, for you have been faithful to the call and have endured much. Understand that your reward is at hand. Though some rage with anger, do not fear, for I will protect you from all harm. I will post a hedge of protection round about you, an impregnable barrier that will keep you out of harms way, out of reach to the enemy.

Justice is coming. I have decreed My justice in your midst. I am opposed to the proud, but give grace to the humble. I will preserve you, take away your sorrow, remove your grief. I will clothe you with great grace and you shall stand in the face of all opposition. Desire the things of the Lord. Do not be swayed off track by the temptations of men. I am instituting justice in the earth and you shall reign and rule with your king. You shall come into My fullness, into My presence and I will take you to the nations and use you in a way you did not expect. I shall make My way clear to you and usher you forward in the call. Be attentive to My word. Hear the word. Prophesy it forth. I will give you the desires of your heart. I will write My word upon your heart and give you needed strength to accomplish My purposes. I have commanded My blessing upon you. I have opened up the deep, fountains of the deep, and I will pour out upon you My righteousness, My joy, liberty, and you shall dance before Me and declare My righteousness. Be of good cheer, for I have indeed overcome the world and its ways. I have ushered forth a decree that prisoners shall be loosed. Rejoice in the king, for His ways are eternal, from everlasting to everlasting.

I have anointed you to preach good news to the poor. I will make for you a place of rest and you shall enter into My rest. You shall find delight in your king, be made whole, and rejoice at the great work I have accomplished in your midst. I am the author and perfector of your faith and I will bring your faith into perfection. I am giving you the land, the bounty, the spoil and I am moving you in. I will stir up in you the desire to worship Me from a heart fully surrendered to My will. I will give you the opportunity to be moved into the realm of spontaneous praise. You will not be held back by the unrepentant, but be thrust forward by the power of My hand. I promised you fullness of joy, and I am bringing it your way.

Though the future looks bleak, I am travailing in the Spirit to birth forth the new day I promised you, a day of health and wealth, a day of abundance and great joy. I will transport you across the globe. You will declare my praise from one city to the next. You will be escorted into assemblies declaring My lordship. You shall be taken into places of refuge where the righteousness of Christ shall prevail. You shall be brought before kings and release such worship into the earth as to tear down the kingdoms of the world. I am an awesome God and My plans are great. Flow with My Spirit. Be moved on by the power of My word at work within you. Be made whole. Be transformed by the resurrection power of Christ. I am changing you, changing your countenance. I am bringing complete healing. I will turn back the clock for you. I will give you back your youth, youthfulness, vitality.

Yes, I am pointing you in this direction. I will bring back to you the years the locusts have eaten. I shall supply your every need. I will roll away the years and bring you into the fountain of youth, the promise of perfect health and wellness. I will cause you to prosper. I have assigned great wealth, great benefit to you and you shall indulge in the promises of God being revealed in this day. I am indeed releasing a new order, a new way of doing things, a new scope on ministry. I am putting into your hands good gifts that will revolutionize society, bring it into obedience, into perfection. This is the day of change, the day of take-over. I will take over the present system. I will give what is needed. I will turn the tide, give back what the enemy has stolen out of the lives of the people. I will transform society, change its face, give it a face lift, a beauty treatment. I will remove perverseness and bring in a standard of holiness and I will change the face of the people, point them toward the giver of life, the giver of good gifts. I shall make My blessings known to the people.

Let Me give you life. Let Me recharge your battery, get you up and running. Let Me introduce to you the good gifts that will revolutionize society. I am sending them your way. Take every opportunity to increase awareness of their potential. This is My desire, that the nations come into complete health and wellness. I am casting off the curse of death, breaking its power and releasing healing like a river into the lives of the people. Do not be concerned for those who refuse to accept the offer of health and wellness I am bringing to them. Do not worry about many refusing it, for when it accomplishes its work, My people shall be radiant. They shall be a wonder, a sign and a wonder that the Lord of Hosts has triumphed over disease and death, that His counsel is great, that His intents are to bless and not to curse. This is the beginning of the 3rd day, the day of resurrection for those who are in Christ and I am resurrecting My body, bringing her into the fullness of My Spirit and the fulfillment of promises made. Radiance shall mark My Bride, for her countenance shall reflect the glory of the risen Lord.

Conquer fear and unbelief. Do not take part in it. It is deceptive, always chasing away the revelation of the Lord. Do not let it rob you of your destiny. Do not let it steal from you what is rightfully yours, your inheritance in Christ Jesus. Many are they who are opening up to the full revelation of Christ, the complete ministry, the full-scope. No longer is it limited to the spirit man, but is extended to the whole man, spirit, soul, and body. I am transforming the body. It shall be without spot or wrinkle, the unblemished sacrifice, no longer a tainted vessel, but one that has been brought to perfection. 7 is the number of perfection. I am perfecting My bride.

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