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REMOVING THE UNGODLY - August 18, 2022

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.”

Luke 10:19

“And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Acts 2:21

In this day a great moving of My Spirit is being felt by all. Just as a whirlwind picks up the chaff and blows it up and away, My Spirit is moving in this day to blow it out of the midst of the people. I have ordained many in this hour to do My bidding amidst the assembly of the elect who are instruments in My hands to tear down the high places. You will see the work that I do. It is a swift work to remove the ungodly.

The righteous shall shine like the sun giving glory to God the Father and the Son. And the Son shall arise in the midst of the people to bring healing to the nations. Great shall be the sweep of My Spirit in this day to remove everything that does not bow the knee to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for He alone shall be glorified and exalted in the midst of the people. He alone shall be lifted up on the wings of praise and every tongue shall confess that He alone is Lord. This is the day and this is the hour. The hour glass is almost out of sand. The time is short. I shall appear to the nations. The trumpet shall sound forth to gather in the elect from the four corners of the earth.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Sing forth your praise unto Him. Rejoice and be glad, for the Bridegroom shall soon appear to take His Bride to be with Him. The hour of His coming is at hand. Proclaim the coming of the Lord to the nations. Declare his triumph over every foe. Pronounce His entrance onto the earth and trumpet forth the message of resurrection life to the people. Make known the goodness of the Lord to all peoples.

Fan the flame and run with the torch. I am sending My runners forth. They are forerunners proclaiming the coming of the King to take His place as the King over all the earth. They shall run, carrying His banner high for all to see. They shall run and not grow weary, for they shall be propelled along by the power of My Spirit. They shall break ground and take the ground for the Kingdom of God.

This is the day and this is the hour. Every ear shall hear of the Lord’s coming. Every creature shall hear the voice of the Lord going forth into all the earth. There will be no excuse on the day of His appearing. There shall be no second chance, for the Word is going forth with power to every man, woman, and child. Those who have ears to hear are hearing the sound of His coming. They are hearing the Bridegroom’s voice and are running into the Household of God seeking Him. You will see this in your midst, multitudes seeking the risen Lord. They will come bounding into the assembly of the elect and shall be changed by the power of the presence of the Lord in the midst of the assembly.

I am moving forth in this day to tear down the idols in the land and to raise up a standard of righteousness. Every man, woman, and child shall see the standard in their midst and fall to their knees in repentance of their sin, calling out to the living God. You will see this. You will witness multitudes coming into your midst as you worship and exalt Me, declaring My name to the nations, telling them that there is no other God, there is no one like the Lord, that He alone is able to give them life, so announce My coming.

The Father's love shall be poured out upon all those who come to Him. All those who take hold of Him shall be healed of their diseases. They shall be made new, changed by the power of His love, translated out of the Kingdom of Darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Light and Liberty. This is the day, says the Lord, when the full number shall be brought in. This is the day, and this is the hour.

My appearance shall catch many off guard. Their hearts are hardened and there is no room in their assemblies for Me. They have not opened the door of their hearts to let Me in, though I knocked continually. They only further hardened their hearts when the Word of the Lord was brought to them by My anointed ones, the prophets, sent out in this hour to show them their error. They would not listen. They would not let Me into their midst. They schemed and plotted ways to keep Me out, to close the mouths of My servants sent to them time and time again. I am grieved for these who have abandoned the truth to follow a lie. I sent the light to them and they could see it radiating in their midst, yet they cast it aside to pursue their own agendas. There is no place for these at the table of the Lord. There is no seat waiting for them, for they discarded the food offered to them by the Heavenly Father and chose to eat food offered to idols. A flood is coming to wash them away. They are the scoffers and mockers of the age. Though they experienced the presence of the Lord in their midst, they rejected Him and cast Him aside. Do not weep for these. Do not raise a hand up against the Lord’s judgement upon these, for His judgement is coming and it shall be swift.

I have given My chosen ones the power over scorpions, to crush them beneath their feet. I have released unto these authority and honor to sit with kings and rule with the King of Kings. They are being released into the earth to execute justice to the nations. I have given them authority to tread upon the head of serpents and cast down every vain imagination, every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. They shall march forth to the sound of the drumbeat of the Lord to trample the nations underfoot. Their authority comes from the King of Kings and their mandate is to rule the nations. They are being established as pillars in the midst of the people. They are being put into position to reign and rule with great authority in the assembly of the elect. No power shall stand against them, for I have given them authority over every dominion and every power and they shall reign and rule in righteousness.

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