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REACHING OUT - August 8, 2022

“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

“As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness.”

“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.”

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.”

Great joy is coming into the assembly of the upright. Great riches have been stored up for her and are about to be released. Do not flag in zeal. Do not give up hope. I am doing an awesome work in this day and no man is able to comprehend its scope. Ground is being taken from the enemy and a sure footing has been gained.

Do not draw back, but proceed forward. I am putting great wealth into your hands, releasing unto you an abundance that has been stored up. The floodgates of heaven are about to be flung open wide and the bounty shall be released upon you. It is in times of quietness and trust that you are able to draw near to Me, casting aside every idol and every form of wickedness. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Bless those who curse you. Bless and do not curse, for the reward is forthcoming and soon you will enter into the fullness ordained for you. You will not be tripped up by the adversary who seeks to stir up bitterness and resentment. Do not buy into his bag of tricks, but stomp upon his head and crush him beneath your feet. I desire that all should come into My presence, and that the enemy is completely annihilated from amongst My people.

Enter in through the narrow way. Attain to the chosen fast. Do not flag in zeal, but be zealous for the things of God. The way has been marked out. The roadway is mapped out. Follow after the Lord. Walk in His footsteps. Be willing to lay down your life for your brothers. Be willing to let go of earthly goods. Pick up the cross of Christ and carry it high. Lift it up for all to see. In this day a new breed is being raised up in the earth, those who will walk the walk of the Lord. No longer will they only talk the talk, but they shall walk according to the ways of the Lord. There will be no hesitating, no double-mindedness, but those who are raised up, will burn with the passion of Jesus to win the lost.

Draw near to Me. Rest in My arms. I know your burdens. I see your affliction. I recognize your heart’s desire to please Me and I will come and make my abode amongst My people. I will not leave you on their own to struggle with temptations that surround you, but I will come and break off every chain and cut loose every sin that dogs your feet. I will fasten the Breastplate of Righteousness securely around you and you shall no longer be ashamed, but you will be protected from the accuser of the brethren. You shall not fumble and trip, but your feet shall be shod with the preparation of the gospel, and everywhere they tread, they shall take the ground. Your words shall be a testimony of the goodness of God in the earth today, and your heartbeat, the heartbeat of God to bring in the scattered sheep from every hillside.

Keep the faith. Do not slumber or sleep, for in this day, a great movement of My Spirit is sweeping the nations and you shall be swept up into the will of God if you do not lose hope but prevail over the enemy. Great tribulation is coming to all the earth. Great trial will be theirs who neglect the salvation offered by a loving Heavenly Father who continually reaches out to them with love, compassion, forgiveness, and life abundant. Great shall be the sorrow and suffering of those who close out the attempts of the Lord to bring them into the fold. The people have wandered far and wide. They have no knowledge of the Lord. Their lives are empty and their days are numbered. Who will go to bring the Good News of the gospel message to them? Who is willing to let go of their own agendas to enter into the lives of those without knowledge of the Lord? Who is willing to let go of selfish ambition to pursue the purposes of God, to be used of the Father in a mission to reach those who are perishing?

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