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PROPHETIC INSIGHT - March 16, 2022

“For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.”

“And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

Ephesians 4:11-13

“Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.”

Proverbs 29:18

The word I would like to share with you today is not one I received when journaling, but one I received in the middle of the night a few nights ago. The Lord woke me up and began speaking to me through pictures and words. He showed me multiple people with their cell phones and other technical devices watching and listening to the news. Some were listening to mainstream news reports, while others were listening to alternative news stations. Their focus was solely on these reports and they watched with intensity. The Lord was not happy with what He had showed me and I began to understand why. He impressed upon me that His dissatisfaction was with those who consider themselves to be Christians. He was not happy that they chose to focus on what the world was saying about current events. Those who did this were worried and anxious about the future. They had no idea of what God was doing in the Earth, how He was working out His plan, and that His plan was a plan of victory. The Lord then showed me that His intention for sending the prophets was to give leadership and vision to the body of Christ but that these Christians were not looking to the prophets. The Lord stressed that these people had chosen not to consider the prophets, that it was a choice they made and He likened them to the Israelites of old who stoned the prophets and this was a serious matter.

In my own understanding I thought about the Christian churches that do not acknowledge the prophetic gift and so It made sense that they would neither be aware of God’s present day prophets, nor would they look to them in these times of shaking. But it was not just those who were unaware that were blinded to the truth, but it was those who are familiar with the prophetic office and ministry making the decision to ignore God’s prophets and to look to worldly news sources in fear of what is to come.

The Lord reminded me that part of the shaking taking place was to try the hearts of those who call themselves by His name and that a great falling away will take place of those who do not pass the test. God has a plan and He is working it out. Those who honor the Lord by honoring His prophets, will be comforted and encouraged in these times. They will see the bigger picture and how the Lord intends to deal with iniquity and injustice and to bring victory to the children of God. But for those who refuse to honor God’s word through His prophets, only despair will result. They will miss the encouraging words: “For I, the Lord, this day am giving words to heal, deliver, set you free, and bring joy in your mourning and sorrow. I am giving you words to bring peace to replace fear and confusion. My Words bring life and destroy the power of death. Get them down in your heart,” prophesied by Julie Green, “You want to know what 2022 is? God's saying, "It's the beginning of the manifestation of the pulling down of things that steal people's freedoms," prophesied by Hank Kunneman, and then specifically for Canadians: "O Canada, O Canada, stand on guard! Do not relent! This tyranny shall come down! Those who have oppressed My Canada shall be held to account! I am releasing a breaker anointing upon you, Canada, that will lead the way! BREAKER, BREAKER do you copy? Hold fast unto Me on this day, and I will lead you. I will guide you, and great shall be your reward!" prophesied by Barry Wunsch.

And so not only will those who look to world circumstance, feeding on negative reports of the enemy via media, continue to struggle with a negative outlook on life and miss the blessings of God as He speaks encouraging words through His prophets, but they will be brought into account for their lack of persuing Him and His direction through His prophets. Because you are watching this today you are not one of those and I pray the Lord blesses and rewards you for your choice to honor His word above the worlds narrative.

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1 Comment

John Gan
John Gan
Mar 19, 2022

Thank you very much.

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