“And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”
As the waters cover the sea, so will My glory cover the earth. All nations, all tribes and tongues will worship Me. I am calling deep unto deep. No more will the enemy prevent My plan and My purposes from being fulfilled. No more will he thwart the call I have placed upon My servants. I have sealed them for this day for the work I am revealing to them. No more will those who hunger and thirst be denied My water that flows from the Rock of Christ. I am pouring out My waters upon the earth. The earth will be covered. The waters will rise. I am about to do something of great magnitude that no eye has seen and no ear has heard. I am about to raise the dead. They shall see with their own eyes that the Lord is God.
Every idol will come crashing down, laying in a heap, broken at Jesus’ feet. This is the day when My people will march out and take the land. They will possess it. All the giants will be smitten by My sword. Every idol in the temple shall be destroyed, and a true and sincere offering will rise unto Me, no more a stench in My nostrils, for I, the Lord God, am calling My people into holiness, into repentance, into a fresh living relationship with their God, the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Every manmade kingdom will topple at My feet, for I am purifying My Bride and preparing her. I am adorning Her with My jewels, gold refined in the fire of affliction.
Do not fear the trials that are coming upon the earth. I am pouring out My bowls of wrath in this day, but those who are mine, I am sealing and they shall not be harmed. Great tribulation is coming upon the earth as has never been seen, but hold on to what you have for I am coming soon, and the glory and the majesty with which I am crowning My elect will outshine the sun. The trumpet shall sound and the angels shall descend. A roar is going forth in the Heavenlies, the sound of many waters. My voice is going into all the earth and shall be heard everywhere. I am sending My messengers to and fro with words of life sealed up for this time. You don’t realize the time is almost here when the last trumpet shall blast the sound of the Lord’s coming in all His glory. The sky shall be rolled back and His glory shall descend upon the elect, upon His chosen ones.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying. In this day no longer will the well run dry, but the waters will bubble up and run over and flow out into every dry place. All will taste and see that the Lord is good. They will begin to see the things of the world that have held them back fall away and they shall dance and delight themselves in Me, for I am calling My elect together from the ends of the earth, and they shall come streaming into Zion, dancing and shouting and praising God. No longer shall they be held back by the prince of wickedness, but they shall be loosed. I declare, they shall be loosed on the day in which I do these things, says the Lord! Every bondage, every fetter shall be broken, and you shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds in all glory and majesty.
So be faithful, my dear beloved children. Be faithful to the call I have placed upon your life to rise up in the power of My Spirit, for I am doing a new thing in the earth. Continue to press in to Me. Continue to seek Me. Do not give up. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy, but press in to Me. I am taking you in. You will possess the land, the land flowing with milk and honey that I promised to your forefathers. You shall eat of the land and of its richness. You shall continually drink from the streams of living water that flow from the throne room of your God day and night.
I have raised up many by the power of My Spirit who will proclaim those things that have been hidden. The veil is being removed and they shall see Me as I really am. They will understand, as the key unlocks the door, all the treasures that are stored up for them in that place. Go, therefore, and do not hesitate and don’t be afraid, for I am with you. I have called you. I have placed my seal upon you and I, Myself, am sending you. So go. You have heard My voice concerning those who don’t yet know Me, that I am calling them in from the east and the west, from the north and the south. I am drawing them in by the power of My Spirit and they shall dine with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords at My wedding banquet. The banquet room shall be filled, for I, Myself, will bring them in! Get ready. Be prepared to usher them in one by one. One by one they are coming in. They are entering the net, the great net of the Household of God, for My house shall be full. The time is coming and now is when I shall do these things, says the Lord.