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OUTPOURING OF GLORY - October 19, 2022

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

“And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

“And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”

I am the good shepherd and I am herding up My sheep, says the Lord. I am gathering them in from all walks of life. They are coming to Me on bended knee, for My compassion has been poured out upon them and My love for them has kindled a desire in their hearts to know Me, to draw near to Me, to dine with Me at the Father’s table. Much has been done in the hearts of the people. Much has been kindled and set aflame. Streams of living water are reaching them and they are being changed by the power of My Spirit and My holy presence. They are casting away the idols and every sin that would hold them back and they are running into the Household of God. They are running to gain the prize and they will not grow weary nor faint, for the power of My love will hold them up.

Multitudes are being rescued from a turbulent sea. They are being loaded onto lifeboats and brought safely into shore. A south wind is blowing. The winds are increasing and they are carrying the boats to their destination. The warm breeze of My love is a comfort to those aboard.

As the wind blows, so the Spirit of the Lord is moving over the earth. Everything that has breath shall praise the Lord, and in this day, the Spirit of the Lord is filling those who open their hearts, to the fullness of the Lord. I am doing a great thing in this day. I am blowing My life into those who have been dead in their trespasses and they are coming to life in the Spirit. They are swaying to the music of My voice. They are lining up with My precepts and being built upon the Rock of Christ. Never has there been a time of such rejoicing in the heavens, for the prodigals are coming home. The wanderers are being brought into the promised land and being established in the purposes of God.

Watch and you will see the effects of My Spirit throughout the land. You shall see the effects of My Spirit in your homes, in your communities, and in your local bodies of worship. You will see those you have prayed for, be changed right before your eyes, and miraculously transformed into the image of Christ. I am doing it, says the Lord. There is nothing you need to do but put your faith in Me and walk in humility before your God.

Nothing will remain the same, for I will cause all things to be made new. I am moving in ways that no man can comprehend. I have everything in My hands and there is nothing that is beyond My control. Even in your times of trial, I am in your midst and doing a great work. In your struggles, I am working within you. Don’t you know that I love you, and that I will never leave you? Do you think that I have turned My back on you? My heart is ever toward you and through the trials and struggles, I am gleaning a harvest. I am weeding out the tares and bundling the grain and you will not be harmed by the tribulation that you undergo, but you will be brought into the life of the Spirit, for everything that is of the earth and of the earthly nature is being burned off as chaff.

I am taking My people into the fullness of My Spirit, into the joy of the Lord, and everything that is of the flesh must go. Hold on to the Word of God, to the truth that has been revealed to you, to the promise of God spoken through the prophets of old, that you shall be changed from glory to glory, and that when Christ who is your life appears, you shall appear with Him, for you shall surely be transformed into His image and you shall be revealed in that day as the Sons of God, joint-heirs with Jesus.

Listen to the sound of the coming of the Lord. His footsteps can be heard throughout the earth. He has descended upon the earth in glory, and the glory of the Lord is covering the earth as the waters cover the sea. And the glory and the presence of the Lord will fill every nook and cranny, every home, every place of refuge, and will flow into the streets and over the fields till the whole earth will experience the glorious presence of the Lord and the name of the Lord is revered throughout the earth. The name of the Lord shall be on the lips of all and whispered through the breeze and no one will be unaware of the presence of the Lord, for it shall be as a thick blanket that settles upon the earth and wraps around each individual. The warmth and the love with which those are encompassed shall cause those who have rejected the Lord, to be broken before Him. His love shall break through the hardness and these shall be brought into wholeness through the power of His love.

The love of God will be poured out as liquid upon the people and the eyes of the people shall be opened to see the beauty of the Lord everywhere, in the sunset, in cloud formations, in colors that fill the skies and fields, in the lightness of the daytime sun and the brightness of the star-filled sky of the evening. The beauty of the Lord shall be seen in the whiteness of softly falling snow, the swiftness of flight of the birds of the air, and the tenderness in the faces of animals. All creation shall be a witness to the beauty of the Lord. The colors of those things created of God will radiate with the life of the Lord. They shall be vivid and dramatic and capture the hearts of the people, for everything that has been created of the Lord shall declare His glory in the heavens above and in the earth below and the people shall be drawn by it and be in awe. From deep within them they shall cry, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord!”

This is the day and this is the time when the whole earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. There shall be great rejoicing in Zion, says the Lord, for those from the least to the greatest shall be brought into the Household of God, those who have wandered far, and those who have patiently waited for the revelation of the Lord. In this day, all the ends of the earth shall join together in worship unto the Lord.

Take the message of the cross to those who have not heard, to those who have not known the Father’s love, and bring to them the joy of the Lord which shall cause them to be directed unto Me. They will see the joy and want to have it. They will desire with all their hearts to know such a loving God. I am sending My servants out into the highways and byways filled with this joy and radiance and they shall go forth with dancing into places of darkness to bring in the light of Christ. In their rejoicing, the Spirit of the Lord shall move forth and minister life to those who behold these servants, and the people shall be drawn by the joy and light that flows forth from these vessels.

The day of mourning is just about over, and you shall break forth into joy and dance and sing and worship before the Lord with everything that is within you, for the light of Christ shall rise upon you and His presence shall be carried forth by you. All eyes shall be on the Lord. No flesh shall glory in the presence of the Lord, but the Lord God, Himself, shall receive all glory and praise and adoration and the name of the Lord shall be established upon the earth.

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