“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”
Acts 4:31
“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.”
Romans 8:14
“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. The body is a unit, though it is composed of many parts. And although its parts are many, they all form one body.”
1 Corinthians 12:7-12
I am moving to evict the old ways and to bring in the new, a fresh new way. When you gather you will see that things are not as they used to be. You will see that what used to be effective is no longer effective. You will notice that only emptiness comes instead of my fullness. This is because I am dismantling the old and ushering in the new.
No longer will man's agenda and means of ministry accomplish my purposes. I have switched gears, shifted things, and only those things that are ordained of me for this hour will produce fruit for my Kingdom. When you gather, do not expect a format that you are familiar with to prevail. If you are open to the leading of my spirit you will notice that the format has changed, that the old agenda will not satisfy. When you gather, be open to what I have in store.
Do not set the agenda. Do not say “This is what we are doing today,” for I am dismantling the works of men and bringing a fresh movement of my spirit amongst men. It is the nature of man to put together an agenda and ask me to come and fit into it. You call this order, but I say it is not my order but the order of men. I bring order via the free flow of my spirit from one to another.
This is what I am doing in this day. I am releasing those who truly follow me into interaction in my spirit. One will have a word, another a song, another a hymn, another a prophetic utterance. This manifestation of my spirit shall freely flow from one to another and the spirit will minister life and liberty to the captives and healing and salvation to all in the house.
Why is it so difficult to understand that I do not need the boxes of men, the parameters and perimeters set? When I poured out my spirit at Pentecost it flowed freely to each and everyone gathered. This is what I desire in this day, that the spirit of the living God have free reign amongst those gathered. You have heard me say that I am building my church and it will look nothing like what has been built by men. I tell you that those who build according to the blueprints of men will not taste of my goodness but only those who have been broken loose from the man-made system of religion and have come into intimacy with me will freely flow in step with what the spirit is doing.
I refuse to fit into the boxes built by men. No longer will my presence be known among those who steadfastly adhere to a form of religion, but I will move freely and without limits amongst those who gather in my name and are open to my spirit leading and guiding. I shall do wonders amongst these and I shall raise up a banner of love and purpose over these for these are the ones who belong to me.
You will see the movement of my spirit out of the circles of religion and into those places where my true Bride gathers. This is the day when a distinct line shall be drawn between those who function according to the dictates of religion and those who have heard the call of my spirit to come out of religion and into relationship with me. And even where there is a mix between religion and the free flow of my spirit, I will come and dismantle the buildings of men and completely destroy their agendas, for I shall make the division clear, and those who are in these places will have to make a decision to follow me or to follow men.
I shall come with such a wind of my spirit that it will blow apart the agendas of men, and I will come with such fervor that nothing will be able to stand against the wind. I will uproot pulpits of men, preordained ministries, those things that men have adopted into their religious practices. You ask what the president is according to my written word? I tell you that the spirit was sent into everyone who receives and each one who is born from above has access to my throneroom.
You cannot see that the callings have been misinterpreted, that the church has been in the dark ages without the light of Christ. But in this day, I am bringing forth the light and it shall shine clearly to expose what has been hidden and to release those who have been in captivity to a form of religion that denies the resurrection power of Christ. The light shall bring truth and the wind of my spirit into the midst of those who truly seek me and gather in My name. These shall be set free from the religious format of men and brought into health and wholeness, walking in signs, wonders, and miracles by the power of my spirit.
This is the message I leave with you today. I am bringing light and liberty to the captives and leading those who are willing into the free flow of my spirit. Do not be bound by men. Do not bow down to their agendas of religion. Do not take the mark of the beast, for you will see that once the full number has come out from among them, my judgment shall fall upon those who are caught in a system of lies.