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NEW REVELATION - April 1, 2024

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”


“The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all.”

Psalm 34:19



Resist the devil and he will flee. I will give you grace to walk through the turmoil unharmed, unscathed.

Dream, dare to dream. Do not let your dreams be snuffed out. Open wide your heart to receive all I have for you. Gird up your loins, put on the breastplate of righteousness, and be led forward in the call.

Press in to My promises. Believe them with all your heart and do not waver. I am moving on your behalf. I am instituting My will and My purposes into your midst. Extreme revelation is coming your way. You will walk in the extreme. Extreme power is resident in you and now about to break forth. You will see it move mountains on your behalf. You will see it bring forth counsel and admonition, hope, health, revelation of kingdom living, living in the economy of God without limits.

I will give you direction. I will lead the way. I have given you My promises and I shall walk them out in your life. Life abundant is promised to you. Joy unspeakable is in store. Yes, the attacks have been fierce and the shakings terrible, but I have sustained you through them all and I will continue to sustain you. I will propel you forward and give you grace to continue on in the call. I will carry you on and into your destiny.



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