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Great grace is upon My Elect. Resources are being released to those who will do My will. I am opening up opportunity in the marketplace. I will usher those of My choosing into places of prominence. I have decreed that My Own should reign and rule with Me, that they should delegate to those whom they are put over in authority. You will see the changing of the guards. Those formerly in position of authority will be replaced by those chosen of the Father.

You will be the benefactor of large sums of monies. I am opening up avenues of outreach to the poor and I will give you the goods to minister life and liberty to those bowed down. I am opening doors to the industry and I shall usher the goods forth to those in need. Be confirmed in the call to reach the lost with the gospel message. I came to heal the sick and to give to those in need. Do likewise. As I send you out with the power to heal the sick, bless those receiving with goods from the warehouses.

I will build the stores. I will increase the wares and provide a place for their storage. Invite in the lost, the lonely, those in need. Allow them to purchase goods according to their ability. If one has no means of payment, lower the price till it meets their budget. I will give you the means to implement this new and radical method of doing business.

No longer will those of high position dictate policy. I will bring them to a standstill as I implement a new order in the market place. Goods will be made available at a cost affordable to the consumer. You will see how I implement the change, the shift-over in the marketplace. I will give you free reign. I will break down barriers established by men and implement My own directives.

Birth forth the vision. Come into labor and give birth to that which I have outlined to you. You will see that I have instituted liberty into the business sector, that I have taken down the walls that barred you out.

Great awakening is coming your way, a revelation of what I am doing in the marketplace.


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