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“For the Lord comforts Zion; he comforts all her waste places and makes her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song.”

“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Do you remember the times we spent together, just you and I, dreaming of all those things that really seemed impossible, oh, but how we loved to dream?

Do not throw away the dreams, My Beloved, but embrace them, for they really were not empty dreams, but the desires of My heart being birthed into your heart. And oh, I know how you have been crushed inside when others have told you your dreams are lies. And I have watched on as you said in your heart "their words are true, I could never do those things that are in My heart." I have watched on, My Beloved, to see every dream broken and crushed at your feet.

Who will revive these broken dreams? Who will put hope back into your Spirit? Who will say to you, your dreams shall come true? Your Lover, the One who loves you beyond measure! I will rebuild what has been broken in your Spirit. I will well up within you to transform your thinking. I will break through all the lies and come with the truth which is that I Myself, will fulfil every dream. Because you see, it is not by power or might, nor by the cunning of men, but by My Spirit that I will bring all things to pass.

Just as I promised to “set the stage” for you, I have been doing this. It has been behind the scenes and no one has noticed. But the stage is almost ready, and when it is, you will walk onto it, for the stage is a “world stage” and your appearance on it will be made apparent to the world.

What is it I promised you? Name that promise!... Yes, this is the impossible dream. This is the dream that was crushed and broken, stepped upon and left to die. But in this day, I am reviving the dream. I shall breathe life into it and you shall, indeed, walk out onto center stage for all the world to see. Mark My words. My arm is not too short to accomplish all that I have promised, and not too short that it cannot bring into reality a dream placed in your heart.

What other dreams have you had in your heart? Dig them out My Beloved, for I am moving swiftly to put into place those things that will cause the dreams to become a reality.

Joseph was called a dreamer, and upon him was laid a coat of many colors. I have placed the coat of many colors upon you, and just as Joseph was called a dreamer, you have walked in his footsteps. Yet, in this day, My Josephs shall come into their rightful place.

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