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“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.”

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Mark 16:17-18

Destined, you are destined for the throne. I have endowed you with everything you need to reign with your king. I have given you blessings untold. I have given you an abundance of My good gifts. I have imparted to you the power of My Spirit to cast out demons, to heal the sick, and to raise the dead. So walk in it. Substantiate it, make it real in your life. Come out from the futility of the natural mind’s thinking and demonstrate the power of God to raise up those who are bent low. I have given you the ministry of reconciliation. I have given you the ability to bring the captives out of bondage, to open the eyes of the blind. I have given you the power to raise the dead. It is My resurrection power that works in and through you to accomplish the works of Christ. It is the power of My Spirit that raised Christ from the dead and it is the same power that works in you to perform My will. So, with sword in hand, take the land.

I am releasing My prophets into the earth to prophesy life to the dry bones. Prophesy to the people and as you do they shall be raised to life, for the power of My word shall go forth to bring life. This is the calling, to call into being those things that are not. I have trained you, I have equipped you, and you are ready for the task. Watch to see how I place you, how I position you, how I move you into such a place of authority that nothing is able to stand against it. I have seen the struggle, the dependency, the intimidation. I have witnessed the attacks of the enemy to stop the flow of My Spirit, to resist the ministry, but today is the day when you shall move forward and no demon in hell will be able to cause you to trip or stumble. I have put My guardian angels round about you. I have instructed them to hold you up, to gird you up. You will go in such authority that demonstrations of My power will accompany you, signs and wonders will be displayed in your midst. I have not yet released such power in the earth, but this is the day when it shall be released. The blind shall see, the lame shall walk, the frightened shall be brought out of confusion, made whole, and sent out to do battle. They shall be raised up as mighty warriors in the army of God. You will see it. You will see miracle after miracle. Signs and wonders, healings, and salvations will be common place. I have reserved this ministry for this time, so be ready and expectant to see miracles.

Be ready to see households raised up in the power of My Spirit. Chains will fall off and they shall be released into liberty. This is the day when you shall see the answers to your prayers. Be ready to experience the presence of God so fully, to such an extent, that every chain is broken, every pronouncement of judgement, every curse, every vile thing that has been able to keep your household bound, will be lifted off.

Liberty is coming, full liberty in the Spirit, an explosion into the fullness of the Spirit, for I am about to pour My Spirit out in unprecedented manner. Your eyes shall be opened. You shall rejoice in the wonderful work I do. You shall come out of complacency. You shall dance and sing before your Lord.

Joy unspeakable is about to hit your household. I have ordered it. It shall come full force. I have trumpeted it forth in the realm of the Spirit and it shall come forth in the natural. Hold onto every promise made to you, for it is about to come to pass. Every word spoken to you regarding the work of the ministry shall come into fulfillment. Every promise regarding your household shall come forth, for I have ordained it. Miracle after miracle shall take place in your midst. Your children shall be transformed right before your eyes. They shall be taken out of darkness and brought into the light of Christ and resurrection life in the Spirit.

Watch to see how I do it, how I raise the dead, how I transform a lowly vessel into a vessel of honor. You will see the change. It will be so remarkable, you will stand in awe. Many are limited in scope, in understanding. Many cannot see My power at work, but I am demonstrating My power in this day in such a way that all will marvel at the transformation that takes place. All will stand in awe. They will have no explanation for what transpires. It will be recognized as a miracle!

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1 Comment

Jul 01, 2022

Oh how good God is! I pray we all will receive the faith, and courage, needed for these tasks.

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