“For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” Romans 8:29-30
“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”
“You shall have no other gods before me.”
“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
There is a wind blowing across the land. The swirling is lifting the dust as in a sand storm. As the dust is blown, it is as with the blowing of the Spirit across the land, lifting up and tossing about the things that have been familiar. As the dust hits, there is a sting. There is a bombardment of issues that need to be dealt with, issues concerning the newness of what the Spirit is doing. Those who are not able to let the familiar go and accept the new thing that I am doing are feeling a sting as from blowing sand. Each issue is cutting in as the flesh is being bombarded.
The speed of the wind will pick up and the stinging will increase, for I desire to hone those who are mine into precious gems. As the sand of the Spirit bombards the flesh, those things that are not of Me are being blasted away. The process is painful, but this work of My Spirit shall continue till all the rough edges are smoothed away.
Where your heart is, is where your treasure lies. In this day, the treasures in the hearts of the people are being exposed. Those things that My people put their trust in are being brought into the light of the Spirit and into judgement. Those who are willing to judge their own heart and repent of their idolatry will not come under the judgement of God, but those who refuse to judge their own heart and let go of idols, will experience the full force of the sands blasting against them and will undergo much discomfort.
The time is now, says the Lord, when the full number of the gentiles shall come into the Kingdom of God. They shall come from the north, south, east, and west. They shall come with great joy. They shall rejoice and be made glad in the City of God. They shall come into the inheritance of the saints and enter into life in the Spirit and possess the land. Great is the reward of the righteous, of those who do not love their lives, but are willing to give them up unto the Lord.
All glory, honor, praise, and adoration belong to Jesus, the author, perfector, and finisher of your faith. Trust in Him and you will not be disappointed. Many have put their trust in false gods, denying the gospel message of salvation. They have exchanged the truth for a lie. They have turned away from the living God to worship the gods of this world. My judgement is coming upon the nations. I am about to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh and everything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God will be brought low.
The land that I have prepared for My people is a land of milk and honey. Only those who have not bowed the knee to Baal shall enter it, and a separation is about to take place between the righteous and the wicked. Many are repenting of their ways, being snatched from hell’s flames, and entering into life. They are turning from their wicked ways to the Living God and will enter the promised land.
The time is short. Soon the flood waters will cover the earth. Those who cry out to the living God shall be saved and will enter the ark prepared for them. The glory of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea and the knowledge of the Lord shall go forth throughout the whole earth. Those who receive the Word of the Lord will be saved, but those who reject it shall enter into tribulation as the world has never known. The righteous shall shine like the sun and everywhere they go the radiance of the Lord shall shine forth. Those who are in darkness will see the light and be drawn and those who receive the message of hope will be brought out of darkness into light.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Those things that are taking place all around you are part of My plan and I am in the midst of them. Those who put their trust in the things of this world are being shaken. Every false security will be taken away from them and they will have to rely fully on Me. Every injustice done to My people will be exposed and those who have transgressed My statutes will be brought before Me to be judged, for I am the judge and I will execute justice to the nations. The way is narrow and few find it. Persevere under trial and you shall come through the flames untouched. Whatever a man sows, shall He also reap. Continue to sow good seed. Continue to water the Word in the lives of those around you, and in due season, you shall reap an abundant crop to be harvested.