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JUDGEMENT OF THE UNJUST - October 12, 2023

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.”

“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.”

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

I will benefit those who are just, those who walk with integrity. All liars and evil doers shall come under My strict judgement in this day. I am the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End. I hold all things together, surely I am able to cause the blind to see and the lame to walk. Surely I am able to bring to completion a job I have ordained.

Do not fear the evil doer in your midst. I am on the move to restore the backslider and to bring into My kingdom multitudes who are in the valley of decision. Do not be concerned with idle threats made against you and your offspring, for I ordain them null and void by the power of My Spirit. Every evil attempt to hinder My work of bringing salvation will be intercepted in this day.

You will see how I revamp the structure, how I tear down the efforts of men and replace them with the moving of My Spirit amongst those chosen to continue the work of the harvest. I will not accept the lame offerings of the flesh, but only that which is birthed by My Spirit, so fear not, for I am dealing with the flesh man. He shall no longer direct affairs. He will be removed and replaced by another of My choice. Watch to see how I bring to nothing the efforts of the self-promoter, how I nullify the works of his hands and strip him of all authority.

I have seen the injustice done to My servants, the prophets, and I am reimbursing them for all they have suffered on My account. Your children shall enter into their heritage in the Lord. They shall come leaping and jumping and praising God, for I have ordained it, and it shall come to pass, says the Lord. Whoever would try to hinder one of these, My little ones, will be in danger of hell fires, for I will surely judge those who oppose My Elect. I will destroy their buildings built by their own hands. I shall demolish their kingdoms and bring to ruin their works, for I have seen and I have heard, and I have witnessed their attempts to bring harm to My Chosen Ones, My Bride. You will see their destruction, their end. I have nullified their curses and broken the power of their potions.

You will see the fall of wicked men, vile and unrepentant men who seek to devour My children. I am the Lord God Almighty and I shall perform My deeds in your midst. Your children shall be blessed. They shall wear a crown of righteousness, and they shall sit with kings. You will see it in this day, so rejoice and be glad that the Lord has heard your plea and heard your cry for revival.

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