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Everyone who calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved, those great and small, men, women, and children, for in this hour, says the Lord, multitudes shall enter the Kingdom of God, the ark prepared for them. Then the doors will close. The Lord is faithful to all those who seek Him. His mercy is great and His love is everlasting.

Hear the voice of the Lord. Hear the sound of the coming of the Lord. Watch the signs. Look around. Great fear is upon those who walk in disobedience. The time is short. The voice of the Father is calling you. Listen to the still small voice. Lay down your weapons. Give up the works of darkness. See that the Lord is good, that His mercy is great. Call upon the Name of the Lord, for the time is short. A great wave is rising in the sea, a tidal wave of great proportion. The whole earth shall be covered with the waters, for a great flood of destruction is coming. Those who enter the ark will be safe, but those who refuse to enter will be swept away. The beast that rises out of the sea is about to take his place of power. For a short time he shall deceive many, but the eyes of understanding shall be opened to his deception.

I am opening the eyes of those who have been blinded by the deceiver, says the Lord, and the people shall tremble with fear. The ark has been prepared and it will be a safe place. My arms are open wide to receive those who are willing to turn from their wicked ways, those who see the truth and embrace it, those who are willing to run from the deceiver, for in this day, the Man of Sin shall be exposed. Sin is being brought to the light and the Lord shall judge the hearts of Men. Every wrong and evil motive shall be exposed. Every lie and every deception shall be seen clearly. Nothing shall be hidden, says the Lord, but everything shall be exposed by the light of the Holy Spirit. The searchlight of My Spirit is going forth and entering the hearts of men to expose sin. As these things are revealed, the Man of Sin is being exposed, for he has entered the hearts of many. Those who repent will be free from his hold, but those who do not, will remain bound and will serve him and there will be no escape, for whoever takes his mark will be his. When sin in your heart is exposed, repent of the evil you see and save yourself, for the time of his rising is near and the way of escape has been prepared. He who has an ear let him hear.

Many have come in My name. Many have gone out from among you. When they went out their hearts were right before their God, but they have allowed the deceiver room in their hearts. They have listened to his lies and exchanged the truth for a lie and these have planted lies into the hearts of the people and have lulled them to sleep. But, in this day, their lies shall be exposed. Everyone who has led My people astray will come under great judgement. The axe shall be taken to the root and no more shall they feed those who are mine their lies and abominations, for in this day, says the Lord, the Man of Sin shall be removed from the place of worship, the place where My people gather. Every lie shall be exposed and every false teaching shall be brought into the light. My temple shall be cleansed and My house shall be a house of prayer and not one unclean thing shall be left in it.

Get ready! There shall be mourning and weeping, for I am bringing My people into repentance in this day. They shall acknowledge their sin, weep over their it, turn their hearts to the Lord, and be healed.

I have chosen many and I am raising them up in this day, says the Lord, who have not listened to the lies of the enemy, who have not submitted themselves to ungodly teaching, those who have held to the truth. They shall go forth in the power of My anointing. They have not stained themselves with the harlot’s wine, but have kept themselves clean. These are the ones who shall endure till the end, who shall run the race to receive the Crown of Righteousness that awaits them. These are My Chosen Ones who have taken on the likeness of My Son and whose countenance radiates with His light. They shall possess the land and reign and rule with the Lord in His kingdom. Kings and rulers shall submit to them, for these have been given kingdom authority to reign upon the earth. This authority has not been given to them by men, but it has been given to them by the Heavenly Father. The eyes of the Lord rove continually throughout the earth searching for those whose hearts are fully set on Him. I have looked throughout the earth, says the Lord, and found these faithful. They have been faithful with little. Now I am releasing much. Get ready, says the Lord, for to those whom I have chosen, I am releasing abundant authority. Those around them shall marvel at the authority they move in, for there shall be great authority in their speech, in their actions, and great signs and wonders shall follow them. They shall sit on thrones with the Son of Man and reign and rule with Him. He who has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying in this day and this hour.

Many have tried to shut up the works of the Lord. Many have tried to hinder the voice of the Lord from going forth. Many have tried to stop those whom I’ve called and sealed from going forth in their calling and a judgement is coming upon them. They shall be tried and tested with much fire and great trials because they refused to hear the voice of the Lord, the Word spoken to them through the prophets. This is the day and this is the hour of My judgement upon those who have led My sheep astray and have tried to dam up the flow of My Spirit. I am coming with vengeance in this hour and great loss will be suffered by those found guilty. I will give to everyone according to his works, for I am coming and My reward is with Me to be given to each one. Those who have remained faithful will receive the Crown of Life, but those who have not, will suffer loss. This is the day and hour in which I shall do these things. Those who wait patiently for the vindication of the Lord, know that the day of reckoning is at hand. I am coming for My Beloved, to snatch them up and set their feet upon a new foundation, upon that which is coming down from heaven, the heavenly city. They shall walk on streets of gold and guard the gates to the city, for no unclean thing shall enter it. This is the inheritance of those who remain faithful till the end.

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