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INTO THE PROMISED LAND - August 16, 2022

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.”

“For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.”

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.”

Cast all your cares on Me, for I care for you. I am your help in time of trouble. I am the one who can free you from the hold of the enemy, set the captives free, and release them from oppression. Do not put your trust in men, but put your trust in the Lord, for He alone is able to rescue you from the snare of the enemy.

Everywhere the blast of the trumpet has sounded and the saints from the ends of the earth have heard the sound. The alarm has gone off and those who are in darkness are seeing the light and being drawn into the Kingdom of God. They are being pulled in by the power of My Spirit. It is the culmination of the age and all eyes and hearts are being turned to the Son. The name of the Lord is going forth throughout the earth and the glory of the Lord is being released. Watch and you will see the people coming, streaming into Zion. They are coming in droves. You will be amazed at the numbers that pour in. When everything looks hopeless and at a loss, the doors will fling open and they shall come streaming In.

Do not despair. Do not be downcast, for your God shall come and He shall fill His house and there shall be great rejoicing in the house of God. The work of the Father in the hearts of the people is almost complete. The honing process has just about accomplished its purpose, and the church of Christ is about to move forth in power to take the land. Your children shall be blessed and made whole. They shall be snatched out of the grip of the enemy and enter into the fullness of the Lord. The ground shall bear fruit and the harvest shall be great.

I am coming in power to rescue this generation from the enemy. I am going forth in the power of My Spirit to accomplish this, for it is not by the power nor might of men, but by My Spirit that this shall be accomplished. My house shall be full and the full number shall be harvested and brought in.

I will execute justice to the nations and those who have oppressed the poor shall come into judgement, for I am releasing the captives and setting the prisoners free. No longer shall the wicked rule the land, but the righteous shall inherit it and rule over it, for a righteous standard shall be established throughout. Every evil shall be exposed and tried and eradicated and the sweet presence of the Lord shall be poured out over the earth from sea to sea and fragrant worship shall rise up from the people unto the Lord from coast to coast. The joy of the Lord shall abound and a fresh and vibrant rejoicing in the Lord shall fill the land and everything that has breath shall praise the Lord

.The hour is here when all flesh shall see God and every knee shall bow before Him and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus is Lord over all the earth. The light and life of the Lord shall shine brightly throughout the land and the radiance shall outshine the sun. All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord, and all earth shall proclaim the Lordship of the Christ. All praise, adoration, and glory belong to the Lord and shall be unto Him forever and ever. Bless the name of the Lord, all you people. Let all the inhabitants of the earth revere His holy name!

The dam is about to burst. The overflow and pressure is great and wall is about to give way. Do not be discouraged. Do not give up hope, for the Lord your God will rescue you and pick you up and place your feet on solid ground.

I am busy in the land, chiseling away at the rocky hearts of men, whittling away at the core of their being. They will no longer be able to perform their pious religious duties, says the Lord, for I am about to let the dam loose to wash away the debris and only a fresh and sincere offering will be given unto the Lord. The stench of the blemished offering will be wiped away and only the sweet smell of incense will rise up to My throne.

The day of the Lord is at hand. It is a day of mourning for those who have not made the Lord God their refuge and strong tower. It will come like a thief in the night to those who slumber. Rise up, take watch, for the hour is approaching and soon will be here. Make every effort to rise up in the Spirit of the Lord, to be adorned with His righteousness, and to throw off self-righteousness and the sins of the flesh. The day is dawning. The day is at hand, and just as after 40 years of wandering in a dry, desert place, the Israelites finally crossed over into the promised land, I am taking you into the land and you shall do great exploits for your king. Do you not know and have you not heard that the Lord does not slumber, but that He is always at work? And great are the works of the Lord! From everlasting to everlasting He commands His blessings upon those who fear His name and tremble at the sound of His voice and at the sound of His footsteps throughout the land.

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