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“And to the angel of the church in Sardis write, ‘These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.

“So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’

Matthew 13:27-30


“He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God.”



 Prosper. Come into the fullness I am releasing in your midst. Do not hesitate to drink of all I provide. There is a well that never runs dry, so drink and be filled. I have for you a glorious hope and a future. There is a time coming when you will come to understand all I have done for you, how I have severed the hold of the evil one, how I have released you from the clutches of the tempter who would offer you the world if you would only bow down to him and serve him. I have defeated the enemy, set your feet upon the Rock, upon solid ground, and you shall stand tall and not waver in the storm.

Didn’t I say I would supply your every need? Didn’t I promise to strengthen you when you are weak? I am your strength and I will be your strong tower. Pressure put on you will not cause you to buckle. Remain firm in the conviction that I, indeed, have rescued you from the hands of men and established you as pillars in the House of the Lord. I will give you even greater stamina. I will increase your ability to stand tall in the midst of persecution.

I am moving on your behalf. I am putting all things in order. I will open doors of opportunity to you to be involved in ministry. Those who mock you and discredit the call upon your life will be in awe. I will anoint you with such power that they will see Me in you and will know and believe that I have sent you. Their ill attempts to thwart My purposes will leave them empty-handed, for I will take away from them what they had, and give it to another. No longer will they pass out judgement upon those who do not line up with their standard nor perform to their specifications. I will burn up the dead works and prove to the erring that I have, indeed, chosen a remnant who will perform My will in the midst of the people.

I shall anoint and appoint many to carry the sparks of revival and they will be those who have not bowed down under pressure to the taunting of the religious. I have not called My people to be yoked with a burden to perform at the request of pious men. I have not given them orders to submit themselves to these, yet many have gladly given themselves to men. This is idolatry in its highest form, men worshipping men. Perform My will, and you will see the end of a regime of mighty men, for I shall use My own, My chosen ones, to tear down the works of men. I shall plunder and ransack those who refuse to leave the system constructed by men.

Position yourself for great gain, for I am pouring out My riches upon those who have been willing to leave all to follow Me. I am releasing a healing balm within your midst. I shall heal all your diseases and set you at liberty. There will be an outpouring like you have never seen!

Gain ground in the Spirit. Take hold of goods gathered. I have given you the mandate to call into place all I have revealed to you. Your sons and your daughters shall go on into the works of the Lord. I have mandated it, and it shall come to pass. Cast your net into the water and you will bring in a great catch. I have aligned you in My kingdom in such a way that the nets will be filled to overflowing.

Oh, if My people could only grasp the truth that I cannot be contained within four walls! If only they could understand that I have not limited My love and outreach to a select group who considers themselves superior to others! I will show them that I have not neglected all others in order to pamper them. They will learn that I am no respecter of persons. If they think their performances will gain them My approval, they are without understanding. My request has been that those who would please Me, would love Me with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength, that they would make Me Number One in their lives. Do they think I do not know the longing of their heart? Do they seek to please Me or to please men? I know those who are Mine. They hear My voice and follow Me. All others are strays. So you see, that I alone, will judge who is worthy of My love, My forgiveness, My healing virtue. I am not restricted by the thoughts and methods of men.


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