Jesus never fails! His word is truth. I will build My church on a firm foundation, on My word of truth. My word shall go out to all the nations of the Earth.
Go into all the world and make disciples. I have called you and shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel. I have clothed you in fine linen and I shall march you out. Trust My lead. Trust Me to put all things into rightful place and perspective. Trust Me to bring revelation knowledge to you.
My joy is upon you and it will increase. I will give you the desires of your heart. I will bless you with abundance. I will bring you into aspects of the ministry you do not know. I will open doors of opportunity, so triumph in this day! Overcome the enemy. Focus on Me and do not get side-tracked. Do not bow down to his tricks to disarm you. You have been fully equipped and I am leading you one step at a time into the promises. I am preparing you for the next stage of ministry. I am building trust into you and you will stand strong in Me. I will wash away all the negativity that surrounds and shine forth My light into the darkness. I will triumph over injustice!
I am moving in and taking ground. I will apprehend the enemy. Watch Me break the hardness of heart. Watch Me overthrow the wicked. Watch me dismantle hierarchies of power. Watch Me deal with pride and idolatry in the lives of those around you. I am taking a sledge hammer to the hearts of those who have resisted My continual promptings to let go and let Me orchestrate affairs. I am moving quickly to take down the high places and to raise up the low, to make the way straight for the coming of the Lord. I am building, and what I am building will last forever. You will see the precious stones that I am honing as I continue to grate off the rough edges and make a display of My splendor and glory. I shall move in to address issues that have needed addressing. I will get to the bottom and work through to bring fruit for the kingdom.
This is the day of joy and gladness, for I will be a God to those who cry out to Me! I will hear their prayers and meet their needs. No eye has seen and no ear heard of the wonderful things I have in store for those who love Me and are called according to My purposes!