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HOUSEHOLDS IN ORDER - October 20, 2023

“You know the commandments: ‘You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.’”

“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

“For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.”

“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”

I want to share more with you, more of My heart, more of what is to come as I set up My kingdom rule in the Earth, as My standard is implemented and all things come into alignment with My will and purposes, as I revamp society to honor My name and My ways. Here is another glimpse of what is in store. I am dealing with relationships in this day. You look on the world and see chaos in every type of relationship. You see that My institution of marriage has been defiled and the children brought into confusion regarding their identity. But I tell you, things are about to change. My righteous standard for the home and family will prevail. I will pour out My spirit in great measure and bring the fear of the Lord to men’s hearts.

Watch Me bring order into the home and into all society. I am taking power out of the hands of the ungodly and putting it into the hands of the godly. When all these things are in order, I will usher the lonely, the outcast into the family of God and they will function in wholeness, for a standard of wholeness will be made apparent in the land.

This is the standard I am erecting in this day. A man shall love his wife and a wife respect her husband and children shall honor their parents. These are the values that will be upheld. Every attempt to disrupt this standard will fail. I will bring conviction to the hearts of the people. A man's heart shall be for his wife and children. He will not look at others, but his desire will be for them. The estranger and the adulterer will be no more, for their powers will be broken. I am putting the household in order and all will line up to its standards. I am removing the tempter's power. I am bridling the tongue of the vindictive and I am changing the minds and the hearts of the people. I am removing a stigma put upon women that they must look and act a certain way and bringing liberty to those who have been held captive to this stigma. No longer will a woman be made an object for lustful behavior. Women will be respected for their ability to raise children and minister to their needs. Those who have been lured into illicit relationships will be released. Men who have lusted after women will be brought into the council and admonition of the Lord. Whole households shall be put in order and function according to the standard of the Lord.

I am giving wisdom to those who have lacked it. I will establish wholesomeness in relationships between parents and children, men and women. I will decree a standard of wholesomeness in the land. No longer will industry dictate immoral and illicit relationships. I am building a structure into the earth whereby all its inhabitants shall come into right relationship with the Lord and with each other..... right relationship all across the board. This is what I have been building and this is what will emerge when the old structure is brought down.

The family, the household is the structure that I choose to work through. No other shall come into competition with it. Salvation shall come to whole households and the whole household shall work together to honor the Lord. Every aspect of it shall come into line. The intruder shall be expelled. Music that brings division in a home will be expelled. Publications that bring division in the home will be expelled. T.V. programs, commercials, films, etc. that violate My will be expelled from the home. Anything used as bait to lure the people away from My standard will be made null and void. The church is an extension of the home. It welcomes in the homeless, so that these might have a home. Its mandate is to bring the whole household into order. I am designing a habitation through which the households of the earth shall be blessed. I am extending My hand to those who need to come in line with My will and purpose for the home. I will establish the home as the center of activity, as the hub of ministry. No longer will outside forces compete with the home for precedence. The home will be honored and raised up in this day as the instrument I shall use to reach the masses with the message of hope. This is what I am building in this day. Whole households will be blessed through the work of the household, through its ministry. So open your doors to let in the homeless and teach them the council of the Lord. Instruct them in righteous behavior. Council them in the wisdom of the Lord. Close all doors to the intruder.

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